
on 2014年10月14日 星期二
聖經閱讀:腓利門書1-25 現代中譯本|合和本

腓利門書  腓利門書很短──只有25節,這卷書是保羅寫給一個名叫腓利門的基督徒的信。
 這本短短的書卷教導我們應該彼此代禱、鼓勵、寬恕和相愛。今天就祈求上帝幫助你做這些事情。 —GT
「親愛的弟兄啊,你的愛心給了我極大的喜樂和鼓勵;所有的信徒也因你而覺得愉快。」 腓利門書7

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Bible Reading: Philemon 1-25
Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Philemon  The book of Philemon is very short — it is only 25 verses. It is a letter that Paul wrote to a Christian man named Philemon.
 Philemon's servant, Onesimus, had run away. Onesimus went to see Paul. Onesimus became a Christian while he was staying with Paul. He also became Paul's friend and helper.
 But now it was time for Onesimus to go home to his master, Philemon. Paul wrote this letter to Philemon to tell him that Onesimus had become a Christian. In verses 17 and 18 of our Bible Reading Paul told Philemon, “If you accept me as your friend, then accept Onesimus back. Welcome him like you would welcome me. If he has done any wrong to you or owes you anything, charge it to me.” Paul wanted Philemon to forgive Onesimus and welcome him home.
 This short book teaches us that we should pray for, encourage, forgive and love each other. Ask God to help you do these things today. —GT
“My brother, you have shown love to God's people, and your help has greatly encouraged them. What a joy and encouragement that has been to me.” Philemon 7
PRAYER: Dear God, I love You and want to show You my love. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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