箴言 (10)

on 2014年10月31日 星期五
箴言 (10)
聖經閱讀:箴言10:11-19 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (10)  我記得在唸中學的時候,有一次在電視上看到一場政治演說,當時的總統候選人喬治布希說:「請讀我的唇:不加稅!」他並不是要我們成為很會讀唇語的人,他的意思是希望我們完全信任他,並且相信他的話是有幫助的。
「正直人的話造福人群;愚蠢人因無知死亡。」 箴言10:21

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Proverbs (10)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 10:11-19
Friday, October 31, 2014

Proverbs (10)  I remember a time when I was in middle school. I was watching a political speech on TV. Presidential candidate, George H. W. Bush said, “Read my lips: no new taxes!” He didn’t mean that all of us should become good lip-readers. He meant that he wanted us to trust him completely and believe that his words were good.
 Proverbs, chapter 10, teaches us many things about what we should say/sign. Here are a few of those sayings. “People say good things about those who live right” (verse 6a). “If you fail to speak the truth, trouble will follow” (verse 10a). “The words of good people are like a spring of fresh water” (verse 11a).
 As you think about these verses, ask yourself these questions. How can I use my words/signs in good ways today? What bad things does God want me to avoid in my conversations with others?
 It does not matter if you use your voice or your hands to communicate. God wants all of us to be wise in what we say/sign. —KP
“Good people say things that help others, but the wicked die from a lack of understanding.” Proverbs 10:21
PRAYER: Father, teach me how I can have wise communication. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

箴言 (9)

on 2014年10月30日 星期四
箴言 (9)
聖經閱讀:箴言9:7-12 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (9)  你是否曾經使用過這句話:「不要白費口舌了」?我們可能會用句話來描述這樣的情況,就是當我們跟其他人分享智慧時,他們卻拒絕聆聽。
 要接受指正和智慧的教導,那麼這些智慧將使你成為一個更堅強的基督徒。我希望你今天會成為一個有智慧的人。 —KP
「敬畏上主是智慧的開端。」 箴言9:10a

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Proverbs (9)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 9:7-12
Thursday, October 30, 2014

Proverbs (9)  Have you ever used the phrase, “Don’t waste your breath”? We may use that phrase to describe the situation when we share wisdom with another person but they refuse to pay attention to us.
 Our Bible Reading clearly shows us that there are two kinds of people: foolish people who do not pay attention to good words and warnings, and wise people who pay attention to those things. “Teach the wise, and they will become wiser. Instruct those who live right, and they will gain more knowledge” (verse 9).
 If we want to be wise, we must do two things. First, we must think carefully before sharing wisdom. If we know someone who is foolish and doesn’t follow God, they will probably not pay attention to us. And they might become angry with us. Second, we must also pay attention when others share wisdom with us.
 Accept correction and wise teaching. Then that wisdom will make you a stronger Christian. I hope you will be wise today. —KP
“Wisdom begins with fear and respect for the Lord.” Proverbs 9:10a
PRAYER: God, I want to be wise and to keep that wisdom in my heart. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

箴言 (8)

on 2014年10月29日 星期三
箴言 (8)
聖經閱讀:箴言8:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (8)  昨天的經文談到一個做壞事的女人。在今天的經文中,所羅門跟我們談到另外一個女人,但這並不是一個真實的女人,所羅門談的是「智慧」。他將智慧比喻為一個美麗的女人,來表達這才是我們應該去追求和保護的對象。
 身為基督徒,我們必須藉由閱讀上帝的話語來尋求智慧,然後我們必須將它好好地存放在心裡,並且每天應用它。如果我們這們做,所羅門說,我們就會擁有快樂(第32節)和真正的生命(第35節)。 —KP
「找到我,就是找到生命;他會獲得上主的恩惠。沒有找到我的人是傷害自己;恨我的人就是喜愛死亡。」 箴言8:35-36

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Proverbs (8)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 8:1-11
Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Proverbs (8)  Our Bible Reading yesterday talked about a woman who did bad things. In today's verses Solomon tells us about another woman. But this is not a real woman. Solomon is talking about wisdom. He compares wisdom to a beautiful woman to show that it is something we should want to have and protect.
 Many people today buy and collect beautiful things — paintings, vases, jewelry, etc. These people are very careful to keep their possessions safe. We should feel the same way about wisdom. Why? Because “wisdom is better than pearls, and nothing you desire compares with her” (verse 11).
 As Christians, we need to find wisdom by reading God's Word. Then we need to keep it safe in our hearts and use it every day. If we do those things, Solomon says we will have happiness (verse 32) and true life (verse 35). —KP
“Those who find me [wisdom] find life, and the Lord will reward them. But those who do not find me put their lives in danger. Whoever hates me loves death.” Proverbs 8:35-36
PRAYER: Dear Heavenly Father, I want to always be close to You. Show me Your wisdom and guard it in my heart. In Jesus' name. Amen.

箴言 (7)

on 2014年10月28日 星期二
箴言 (7)
聖經閱讀:箴言7:1-27 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (7)  你是否曾經看過有人做了一個你知道會不利他們自己的選擇?你知道結果將會很糟糕,你想要說:「停下來!不要做!」
 今天就要小心,要親近上帝並遠離罪惡。 —KP
「遵守我的訓誡,你就會生存。要小心跟從我的訓導,像保護自己的眼睛一樣。要時時謹守我的教誨,銘刻在心中。」 箴言7:2-3

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Proverbs (7)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 7:1-27
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Proverbs (7)  Have you ever watched someone make a choice that you knew would not be good for them? You knew that the result would be bad, and you wanted to say, “Stop! Don't do it!”
 Our Bible Reading today tells about a woman who tempted a man to have sex with her. The woman was not his wife. The man probably knew this was wrong, but he ignored the wise words he had heard before. Verse 22 compares him to a “bull being led to the slaughter” or “a deer walking into a trap.” Verse 27 reminds us that the result of this kind of behavior is death of relationships and trust.
 We need to run away from anything that causes us to disobey God. The wisdom that we find in the Bible will help us recognize evil and avoid it.
 Be careful today. Stay close to God and run away from evil. —KP
“Consider my teaching as precious as your own eyes. Obey my commands, and you will have a good life. Tie them around your finger. Write them on your heart.” Proverbs 7:2-3
PRAYER: Father, when I am tempted to sin, help me to choose to obey You instead. In Jesus' name. Amen.

箴言 (6)

on 2014年10月27日 星期一
箴言 (6)
聖經閱讀:箴言6:1-19 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (6)  今天經文的第16-19節列出七件上帝恨惡的事:「傲慢的眼睛,撒謊的舌頭,殺害無辜的手,策劃陰謀的心,奔走邪路的腿,編造假證,在朋友間挑撥是非。」
 你要如何避免這些可怕的事情呢?要留心聆聽上帝的話語,檢視你的生活習慣、你的行為和你的思想。懇求上帝幫助你看見生活中的罪並赦免你,這樣你才可以跟祂有一個合宜的關係。 —KP
「你要是做了該做的事,我自然會接受你的祭物,但因為你做了不該做的事,罪已經埋伏在你門口。罪要控制你,可是你必須制服罪。」 創世記4:7

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Proverbs (6)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 6:1-19
Monday, October 27, 2014

Proverbs (6)  Verses 16-19 of our Bible Reading today list seven things that God hates: “...eyes that show pride, tongues that tell lies, hands that kill innocent people, hearts that plan evil things to do, feet that run to do evil, witnesses in court who tell lies, and anyone who causes family members to fight.”
 But verses 6-15 list things that are not as easy to see. These are things like sleeping too much, being lazy or making plans to do something that is wrong. The results of these things are “you will have nothing” (verse 11), “disaster will strike” (verse 15) or “there will be no one to help them” (verse 15).
 How can you avoid these terrible things? Pay attention to God’s Word. Examine your habits, your actions and your thoughts. Ask God to help you see the sin in your life and to forgive you. Then you can have a right relationship with Him. —KP
“You know that if you do what is right, I will accept you. But if you don’t, sin is ready to attack you. That sin will want to control you, but you must control it.” Genesis 4:7
PRAYER: Father, show me the sin in my life. Please forgive me and help me to live for You each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

箴言 (5)

on 2014年10月26日 星期日
箴言 (5)
聖經閱讀:箴言5:1-20 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (5)  一個小男孩有一整袋的糖果,但他的媽媽把袋子拿走,一天只讓他吃一或兩顆糖,為什麼呢?因為她知道,如果吃太多糖,他會生病。但是男孩很傻,他找到了袋子,把所有糖果都吃光了。
 今天求上帝幫助你心存感激並滿意你目前的關係。 —KP
「上主鑒察你一切的作為,注視你所走的途徑。他因為不能自制而喪命;極端的愚昧使他淪亡。」 箴言5:21, 23

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Proverbs (5)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 5:1-20
Sunday, October 26, 2014

Proverbs (5)  A little boy has a whole bag of candy. His mother puts the bag away and only lets him have one or two pieces a day. Why? She knows that if he eats too much candy, he will become sick. But the boy is foolish. He finds the bag and eats all of the candy!
 In our Bible verses today, Solomon talks about adultery. If God has blessed a person with a husband or wife, they should be satisfied and thankful. They should not try to find happiness in other relationships. Adultery is on “a path leading to death...Be careful. Stay on the road that leads to life” (verses 5b-6).
 When the little boy disobeyed and ate too much candy, he became sick. In the same way, a person who becomes involved in adultery will face bad consequences. “At the end of your life, you will be sad that you ruined your health and lost everything you had” (verse 11).
 Ask God to help you be thankful and content in your relationships today. —KP
“The Lord clearly sees everything you do. He watches where you go. Evil people will die because they refuse to be disciplined. They will be trapped by their own desires.” Proverbs 5:21,23
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to stay away from evil. In Jesus' name. Amen.

箴言 (4)

on 2014年10月25日 星期六
箴言 (4)
聖經閱讀:箴言4:13-27 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (4)  現今很多人會提醒我們必須保護好自己的身體、不要生病。這個世界充滿了會傷害我們或使我們生病的東西,但是也有一些東西會在精神上、心靈上傷害我們。
 今天,要小心謹慎來保守你的身體、你的心思和你的意念。要跟隨上帝和祂的話語。 —KP
「所思所想要謹慎,因為生命是由思想定型的。對所計劃的事要有把握,你所做的就不至於差錯。」 箴言4:23, 26

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Proverbs (4)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 4:13-27
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Proverbs (4)  Many people today remind us that we need to protect ourselves from physical sicknesses. The world is full of things that can hurt us or make us sick. But there are also other things that can hurt us mentally and spiritually.
 If someone says something bad about us or hurts our feelings, we may become angry and want to hurt them back. When we refuse to forgive someone, our bad thoughts control our bodies. Then we may become depressed or get sick easily. We need to remember that we need to keep our hearts and minds clean, too.
 Following God and His Word will help us have healthy bodies, hearts and minds. Solomon's words today teach us to stay away from evil and close to God. “Don't take the path of the wicked; don't follow those who do evil. Stay away from that path; don't even go near it. Turn around and go another way” (verse 14-15).
 Be careful to guard your body, your heart and your mind today. Follow God and His Word. —KP
“Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life. Make sure you are going the right way, and nothing will make you fall.” Proverbs 4:23,26
PRAYER: Lord, I want to obey You and Your Word today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

箴言 (3)

on 2014年10月24日 星期五
箴言 (3)
聖經閱讀:箴言3:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (3)  很多人認為,一個人能獨立行事並對自己所成就的事感到驕傲是好的。但是,如果我專注在獨立行事,以及思想自己所有的成就時,我也許就不是倚靠上帝了。如果我留意人們對我的讚美,我也許就不在乎是否蒙上帝喜悅。
 不要認為你比上帝聰明、比祂好。上帝希望你倚靠祂並和其他人和睦相處,當你這麼做時,上帝會祝福你並幫助你成為快樂的人。 —KP
「上主詛咒邪惡人的家,賜福給正直人的家。他輕看狂傲的人,恩待謙卑的人。」 箴言3:33-34:

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Proverbs (3)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:1-10
Friday, October 24, 2014

Proverbs (3)  Many people think it is good for a person to be independent and proud of the things they have done. But if I focus on being independent and think about all my accomplishments, I may not depend on God. If I pay attention to people praising me, I might not care if God is pleased with me.
 Our Bible Reading today shows us that when we depend on God’s strength and wisdom, “God will be pleased and think well of you and so will everyone else” (verse 4). The next few verses tell us how we can depend on God — trust the Lord completely (verse 5), think about what He wants (verse 6), fear and respect the Lord (verse 7) and stay away from evil (verse 7).
 Don’t think that you are smarter and better than God. God wants you to depend on Him and live in peace with other people. When you do that, God will bless you and help you be happy. —KP
“The Lord curses a wicked family, but he blesses the homes of those who live right. He will humiliate those who make fun of others, but he is kind to those who are humble.” Proverbs 3:33-34
PRAYER: Father, I want to depend on You every moment today. Give me strength to do Your will. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

箴言 (2)

on 2014年10月23日 星期四
箴言 (2)
聖經閱讀:箴言2:1-11 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (2)  我們讀到有人在他們的生命中做了錯誤選擇的消息,我們也許想知道,「為什麼這個人要犯法呢?他早知道會被關進監獄。」或者會問,「為什麼她會相信那個說愛她的壞人呢?」人們經常做錯誤的選擇,因為在當下,做錯事看起來對他們是好的。
 想一想今天你也許會做的決定,就求上帝賜給你智慧來幫助你做正確的選擇。 —KP
「因為,賜智慧的是上主,知識和悟性都是從他來的。他幫助正直的人,保護誠實的人。」 箴言2:6-7

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Proverbs (2)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-11
Thursday, October 23, 2014

Proverbs (2)  We read about people who have made bad choices in their lives. We may wonder, “Why did that person break the law? He knew he would go to jail” or “Why did she trust that bad man who said he loved her?” People often make wrong choices because doing the wrong thing looks good to them at the time.
 Solomon encourages us in verse 9 of our Bible verses to always do what is right. “If you listen to him, you will understand what is just and fair and how to do what is right.” Does that mean that God never wants us to have any fun? No, it means that God wants to protect us. He wants us to not make bad choices and suffer the consequences.
 Think about the choices you may have to make today. Ask God to give you wisdom to help you make the right choices. —KP
“The Lord is the source of wisdom; knowledge and understanding come from his mouth. He gives good advice to honest people and shields those who do what is right.” Proverbs 2:6-7
PRAYER: Lord, Your ways are always good and right. Thank You for Your protection. Guide me to make right choices today. In Jesus' name. Amen.

箴言 (1)

on 2014年10月22日 星期三
箴言 (1)
聖經閱讀:箴言1:1-19 現代中譯本|合和本

箴言 (1)  箴言是教導我們智慧和美善的諺語,每一種文化都有自己的箴言。大部分的箴言是正確的,並且對我們的生活有幫助。
 今天你是否想要得到上帝的平安呢?那麼就留意上帝賜下的智慧並且遵循祂的道路。 —KP
「無知的人因拒絕智慧而喪命。愚蠢的人因逍遙自得而毁滅。但那聽從我的人必然安全;他要享受康寧,不怕災害。」 箴言1:32-33

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Proverbs (1)
Bible Reading: Proverbs 1:1-19
Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Proverbs (1)  A proverb is a saying that teaches us something wise and good. Every culture has its own proverbs. Most proverbs are true and are useful for our lives.
 Solomon was the wisest man in all history. He wrote down many proverbs and wise sayings. Some of these proverbs are in the Old Testament book of Proverbs. 1 Kings 3:1-15 tells us how Solomon received his wisdom. Solomon's great wisdom was truly a gift from God.
 Verse 7 of our Bible Reading shows us that Solomon knew that his wisdom came from God. “Knowledge begins with fear and respect for the Lord, but stubborn fools hate wisdom and refuse to learn.” We can find that knowledge when we respect God and keep our eyes on Him.
 Do you want God's peace today? Then pay attention to the wisdom that God gives and follow His ways. —KP
“Fools die because they refuse to follow wisdom. They are content to follow their foolish ways, and that will destroy them. But those who listen to me will live in safety and comfort. They will have nothing to fear.” Proverbs 1:32-33
PRAYER: Father, I want to pay attention to You and follow You today. In Jesus' name. Amen.