聖經閱讀:馬太福音8:23-27 現代中譯本|合和本
我騎腳踏車到鄉下一個特別的地方。我坐在一條小溪邊,聽著鳥叫聲,享受上帝創造的美好。 通常溪水都會緩緩流過溪中的石頭,但是那一天,水流很急,沿途夾帶著樹枝和泥土。我知道幾天之後,溪水會再一次恢復平靜。 我們的生命也時常像這條小溪流一樣。在我們的生活中,有時候一切都平靜安穩,然後我們會面臨一些「暴風」,像是疾病、死亡或是家庭問題。在這些困難的期間,耶穌幫助我們平靜下來──就像在今天的經文中祂平息風浪一樣:「於是他起來,斥責風和浪,風浪就平靜了」(第26b節)。 當苦難來臨時,我們不需要擔心或害怕,我們只需要信靠耶穌,祂會幫助我們面對問題,並帶給我們平安。 —NM 「我留下平安給你們,我把我的平安賜給你們。我所給你們的,跟世人所給的不同。你們心裏不要愁煩,也不要害怕。」 約翰福音14:27
(尤榮輝譯) |
Bible Reading: Matthew 8:23-27
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
I rode my bicycle to a special place in the country. I sat beside a small creek, listening to the birds and enjoying the beauty of God’s creation. Usually the creek flowed calmly over the rocks. But that day, it rushed by me, moving sticks and dirt in its path. I knew that in a few days, the water would once again become calm and peaceful. Often our lives are like that small creek. Sometimes things are calm and peaceful in our lives. And then we face “storms” like sickness, death or family problems. During those times, Jesus helps us be calm — just like He calmed the stormy waters in our Bible Reading today. “Then he stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. The wind stopped, and the lake became very calm” (verse 26b). When bad times come, we don’t need to be afraid or worry. We just need to trust Jesus. He will help us face our problems and bring us peace. —NM “I leave you peace. It is my own peace I give you. I give you peace in a different way than the world does. So don’t be troubled. Don’t be afraid.” John 14:27
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your promise of peace through Jesus. In His name. Amen. |
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