聖經閱讀:詩篇145:1-21 現代中譯本|合和本
今天是新年的前夕。我小的時候,在新年前夕讀經是我們家的傳統,那時候我的父母會告訴我們上帝如何祝福他們,並且幫助他們從一個共產國家逃出來。 我的父親已經去世,而我的母親現在已經97歲了。每一個新年前夕,我的哥哥都會維持家庭的傳統,他和他的家人會讀經,而我的母親會再講那個她已經講過好多次的相同故事,她希望所有的孫子都知道這個故事並且愛上帝。 我們的家庭傳統讓我想起今天經文的第4節:「世世代代都要宣揚你的作為;他們都要傳佈你大能的事蹟。」我很高興父母親告訴我們上帝如何祝福他們,現在我才可以將這個故事傳講給未來的世代。 今天就用一些時間想一想上帝賜給你的各樣祝福,然後去告訴別人上帝是怎麼照顧你的。 —AS 「人要講論你的大能;我要宣揚你的偉大。他們要述說你的良善,歌頌你的公義。」 詩篇145:6-7
(尤榮輝譯) |
God’s Blessings
Bible Reading: Psalm 145:1-21
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Today is New Year’s Eve. When I was growing up, it was my family’s tradition to read Bible verses on New Year’s Eve. Then my parents would tell us how God blessed them and helped them escape a Communist country. My father has passed away, but my mother is now 97 years old. Each New Year’s Eve my brother keeps our family tradition. He and his family read Bible verses, and my mother tells the same story she has told many times before. She wants all her grandchildren to know and love God. Our family tradition reminds me of verse 4 of today’s Bible Reading. “Each generation will praise you and tell the next generation about the great things you do.” I am happy that my parents told us how God blessed them. Now I can pass that on to future generations. Take time today to think about the many ways God has blessed you. Then tell someone else about how God takes care of you. —AS “People will tell about the amazing things you do, and I will tell everyone how great you are. They will talk about your goodness and sing about your justice.” Psalm 145:6-7
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your blessings. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |