
on 2014年2月28日 星期五
聖經閱讀:彼得前書5:8-9 現代中譯本|合和本

要小心謹慎  有一天,我為自己做了一個三明治,只吃了幾口,電話就響起了。那是一通找我先生的電話,所以我就到外面去叫他,但當我回到餐桌時,三明治的上層卻不見了!
 彼得說,我們應該「要信心堅定,抗拒他」(第9a節)我希望今天你會小心謹慎,當你被引誘去犯罪時,請留意彼得所說的話。 -JK
「你們的仇敵─魔鬼正像咆哮的獅子走來走去,搜索可吞吃的人。」 彼得前書5:8b

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Be Careful
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:8-9
Friday, February 28, 2014

Be Careful  The other day I made myself a sandwich. I ate a few bites of the sandwich and then the phone rang. The call was for my husband, so I went outside to get him. When I came back to the table, the top of my sandwich was gone!
 What happened to my sandwich? Our one-year-old puppy was in her kennel, and I did not know that the door of her kennel was open. While I was gone, she came out and ate my sandwich. I learned that I always need to be careful and make sure that her kennel is shut.
 Our Bible verses today remind us that we need to be careful. Why? Because the devil is always looking for ways to tempt us to sin. If we are not paying attention to God’s Word, we may not realize that the devil is tempting us. Then we will disobey God.
 Peter says we should “refuse to follow the devil. Stand strong in your faith” (verse 9a). I hope you will be careful today. Pay attention to Peter’s words when you are tempted to sin. —JK
“The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat.” 1 Peter 5:8b
PRAYER: Father, I want to obey You and refuse to follow the devil. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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