聖經閱讀:創世記1:1-31 現代中譯本|合和本
今天經文的第1節說:「太初,上帝創造天地。」今天,我們要來談翻譯成「創造」這個詞的希伯來文。 「創造」這個翻譯詞的希伯來文原意是「無中生有。」創世記第1章告訴我們,世上所有的奇妙萬物都是上帝從虛無中創造出來的!有時候,我會在晚上出去看星星,我會想起地球只是宇宙非常渺小的一部份。我喜歡思考創造物是多麼的奇妙美好,但上帝從無到有創造出萬物,實在令我難以想像! 藉著知覺、視覺、味覺、以及觸覺來體驗上帝的創造,讓我感到興奮。同時,我也需要信心來相信是上帝創造了這所有的奇妙事物。 就算我們不明白上帝是如何創造這個世界,我們仍然可以感謝讚美祂為我們創造了奇妙萬物! -JS* 「由於信心,我們知道宇宙是藉著上帝的話造成的;這樣,那看得見的是從那看不見的造出來的。」 希伯來書11:3
(陳萍萍譯) |
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1-31
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Verse 1 of our Bible Reading says, “God created the sky and the earth.” Today we will talk about the Hebrew word that is translated “created.” The word translated “created” means “made out of nothing.” Genesis, chapter 1, tells us all of the wonderful things God created from nothing! Sometimes I go outside at night and look at the stars. I remember that the earth is only a very small part of the universe. I like to think about how wonderful creation really is. But it is hard for me to imagine that God made everything from nothing! I am excited to experience God’s creation by feeling, seeing, tasting and touching things. I also need faith to believe that God made all these wonderful things. Even though we may not understand how God created the world, we can praise and thank Him for all the wonderful things He has made for us. —JS* “Faith helps us understand that God created the whole world by his command. This means that the things we see were made by something that cannot be seen.” Hebrews 11:3
PRAYER: God, thank You for creating the world. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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