
on 2014年2月9日 星期日
聖經閱讀:約翰福音14:18-24 現代中譯本|合和本

雅各的兒子猶大  雅各的兒子猶大在馬太福音10:3中被稱為「達太」。唯一另一個關於他的資料,可以在今天的經文中找到。
 我們也擁有領受聖靈的應許,當我們信主之後,聖靈就會住在我們裡面並帶領我們(使徒行傳2:38)。我很感謝能擁有聖靈,我感謝耶穌為我預備了一個與祂永遠同住的地方。 -DF
「我要常與你們同在,直到世界的末日。」 馬太福音28:20b

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Judas, Son of James
Bible Reading: John 14:18-24
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Judas, Son of James  Judas, son of James, is called Thaddaeus in Matthew 10:3. The only other information about him is found in our Bible Reading for today.
 Jesus was with the twelve apostles. He was telling them that He must die. The apostles did not understand. They were still expecting Jesus to set up an earthly kingdom. Jesus explained to them that He must die and then be raised from the dead.
 Judas asked a question in verse 22, “Lord, how will you make yourself known to us, but not to the world?” Jesus told Judas that only those people who follow Him will live forever with Him. Jesus told the apostles that He would send the Holy Spirit to help them.
 We have the promise of the Holy Spirit, too. When we become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes to live in us and guide us (Acts 2:38). I am so thankful that I have the Holy Spirit. I am thankful that Jesus has prepared a place for me to live with Him forever. —DF
“You can be sure that I will be with you always. I will continue with you until the end of time.” Matthew 28:20b
PRAYER: Father, thank You for sending the Holy Spirit to guide me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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