
on 2014年2月10日 星期一
聖經閱讀:約翰福音13:21-30 現代中譯本|合和本

加略人猶大  今天我們要來談另外一個猶大,這個人經常被稱為「加略人猶大」,他被公認是一個小偷和叛徒。猶大就是那個沒有對耶穌持守忠心的使徒。
 猶大的故事是如此地可悲,他跟從了上帝的兒子,但他卻放棄這一切好讓自己可以服事魔鬼。今天你會服事誰呢? -DF
「猶大吃了那塊餅,立刻出去。那時候正是黑夜。」 約翰福音13:30

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Judas Iscariot
Bible Reading: John 13:21-30
Monday, February 10, 2014

Judas Iscariot  Today we will talk about another Judas. This man is usually called Judas Iscariot. He was known as a thief and a traitor. Judas was the one apostle who did not stay faithful to Jesus.
 In our Bible Reading today, Jesus was talking with His apostles right before He was arrested and crucified. In verse 21b Jesus said, “Believe me when I say that one of you will hand me over to my enemies.” Jesus was talking about Judas.
 Then Jesus took some bread and dipped it and gave it to Judas. Verse 27 tells us that when “Judas took the bread, Satan (the devil) entered him. Jesus said to Judas, ‘What you will do — do it quickly!’”
 Then Judas went out and betrayed Jesus. He had already planned with the Jewish leaders to turn over Jesus so they could arrest and kill Him. Later Judas hanged himself.
 The story of Judas is so sad. He followed God’s Son, but he gave it all up so he could serve the devil. Who will you serve today? —DF
“Judas ate the bread Jesus gave him. Then he immediately went out. It was night.” John 13:30
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I don’t want to be like Judas. I want to serve You every day of my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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