盼望 (1)

on 2013年5月1日 星期三
盼望 (1)
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書1:24-29 現代中譯本|合和本

盼望 (1)  「盼望」這個詞是一個非常特別的詞,對我們基督徒來說有很多意義。接下來的幾篇靈修文章,我們將會來檢視「盼望」的不同定義,這樣會幫助我們更了解「盼望」的意義,而且當我們在日常生活中跟從耶穌時,我們也因此更能體會「盼望」的重要。
「上帝的計劃是要他的子民知道,這豐盛而榮耀的奧祕是要顯示給全人類的。這奧祕是:基督在你們的生命裏,也就是說,你們要分享上帝的榮耀。」 歌羅西書1:27

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Hope (1)
Bible Reading: Colossians 1:24-29
Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hope (1)  The word “hope” is a very special word. It means a lot to those of us who are Christians. In the next few devotions, we will look at different definitions for the word “hope.” This will help us better understand what hope means. And we will appreciate hope more in our daily lives as we follow Jesus.
 One definition for hope is “the feeling that we can have what we want.”
 For those of us who want eternal life in heaven, we can have it through Jesus! Jesus died on a cross and rose from the dead so that our sins can be forgiven. This gives us the hope of eternal life with Him.
 Do you have this hope? If not, then believe in Jesus. Repent of your sins. Be baptized in Him. Follow Him faithfully. Then you will have the blessed hope of eternal life with Jesus! If you already have this hope, then share it with someone today! —CPE*
“God decided to let his people know just how rich and glorious that truth is. That secret truth, which is for all people, is that Christ lives in you, his people. He is our hope for glory.” Colossians 1:27
PRAYER: God, thank You for saving me. I am so glad I have put my hope in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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