聖經閱讀:詩篇19:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本
今天聖經閱讀的第1節說:「諸天宣佈上帝的榮耀;穹蒼傳揚他的作為。」能夠知道自然界的一切事物都在訴說上帝是多麼偉大,真是很棒的事。 我可以想像這詩篇的作者正看著天空,仰望天空讓他感到平靜和快樂。雖然太陽、月亮、雲、和星星並不能像人一樣說話,但是它們仍然向他傳達上帝是大有能力並且滿有智慧的信息。 也許你可以花一些時間看看天空。你可以遠離城市的燈光,看看美麗的夕陽或是在夜空中閃爍的星星,想一想每天太陽是如何從東邊升起、從西邊落下。要記得,是上帝成就了這所有一切的事物,所以我們才能有一個秩序井然又美麗的世界。 因著上帝奇妙的創造而讓我們知道祂的莊嚴和偉大,我們要感謝祂。—IMJ 「無言無語,無音無響。然而,它們的音訊傳遍人間;它們的言語遠達天涯。」 詩篇19:3-4a
(CCS譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
God’s Greatness
Bible Reading: Psalm 19:1-6
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Verse 1 of our Bible Reading says, “The heavens tell about the glory of God. The skies announce what his hands have made.” It is neat to realize that things in nature tell us about how great God is. I can imagine the writer of this psalm looking at the sky. Watching the heavens makes him feel calm and happy. Although the sun, moon, clouds and stars do not speak like people do, they still communicate to him that God is powerful and wise. Maybe you can take some time to look at the sky. Get away from the lights of the city. Watch a beautiful sunset or the twinkling stars in the night sky. Think about how every day the sun comes up in the east and sets in the west. Remember that God does all these things so we can have a world that is orderly and beautiful. Thank God for His wonderful creation that shows us His majesty and greatness. —IMJ “You cannot hear them say anything. They don’t make any sound we can hear. But their message goes throughout the world. Their teaching reaches the ends of the earth.” Psalm 19:3-4
PRAYER: Father, thank You for all You have made for me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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