
on 2013年5月23日 星期四
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳9:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝的愛  今天的聖經閱讀告訴我們一個名叫掃羅的人的事情。當時,有很多基督信徒都很怕他,為甚麼呢?因為掃羅曾經對基督徒做了許多不好的事情,他們大概認為掃羅不可能改變。
 你對上帝是重要的,就接受祂的愛來改變你,並讓你成為祂的孩子。 —JA*
「常常生活在上帝的愛裏,仰望我們的主耶穌基督憐憫你們,賜給你們永恆的生命」 猶大書1:21

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God’s Love
Bible Reading: Acts 9:1-6
Thursday May 23, 2013

God’s Love  Our Bible Reading today tells us about a man named Saul. Many Christians were afraid of him. Why? Because Saul did bad things to Christians. Probably they thought that Saul would never change.
 But God had a different plan for Saul’s life. The rest of Acts, chapter 9, tells us that Saul realized that Jesus was God’s Son. Saul repented of his sins, he was baptized, and he started following Jesus. Later Saul’s name was changed to Paul. He became a great missionary and preacher for Jesus.
 Often we see people who are very sinful. It seems that there is no hope for them. But God’s love can change anyone. God’s love has changed me. I have done many bad things. I even thought that I was not important to God. But God’s love changed me. Now I am training to serve God in a special way.
 You are important to God. Allow His love to change you and make you His child. —JA*
“Keep yourselves safe in God’s love, as you wait for the Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy to give you eternal life.” Jude 21
PRAYER: Father, thank You for Your great love. Please guide me today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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