
on 2014年6月6日 星期五
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 22: 6-21 現代中譯本|合和本

從醜陋到美麗  今天早上東方烏雲壟罩,太陽才剛要出來,但是難看、不規則的雲遮住了日出。大約20分鐘後,我在車子的後照鏡看到了一個所見過最美麗的日出!朵朵的白雲鑲著粉紅色、藍色、橘色、和紫色的邊,真是好棒!
 或許你認為你的生命也是醜陋的,並且充滿了罪惡,但上帝能夠改變這個情況,祂能夠赦免你的罪,並且使你成為祂的兒女。就學像保羅,求上帝赦免你並受洗成為在主裡的一個新人。 —JK
(保羅說:)「『基督耶穌降世的目的是要拯救罪人』這話是可靠、值得完全接受的。我是罪人中最壞的一個。」 提摩太前書1:15

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Ugly to Beautiful
Bible Reading: Acts 22:6-21
Friday, June 6, 2014

Ugly to Beautiful  This morning there were dark clouds in the east. The sun was just beginning to rise, but ugly, jagged clouds hid the sunrise. About 20 minutes later, I looked in my rearview mirror to see one of the most beautiful sunrises I had ever seen! The white clouds were edged with pink, blue, orange and purple. It was awesome!
 God changed an ugly sky into a beautiful one. Only He can do that! And only God can change an ugly life of sin into a beautiful life of Christian love and service. Our Bible Reading today tells us what happened to Paul. Paul loved God, but he did not believe that Jesus was God’s Son. One day, Jesus appeared to Paul, and Paul’s life was changed. After that experience, Paul followed and served Jesus.
 Maybe you think that your life is ugly and filled with sin. God can change that. He can forgive your sins and make you one of His children. Be like Paul. Ask God to forgive you, be baptized and become a new person in Christ. —JK
[Paul said,] “Here is a true statement that should be accepted without question: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, and I am the worst of them.” 1 Timothy 1:15
PRAYER: God, forgive me and make my life beautiful. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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