從壞事帶來好事 (2)

on 2014年6月18日 星期三
從壞事帶來好事 (2)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳28:16-30 現代中譯本|合和本

從壞事帶來好事 (2)  昨天我們談到了保羅,他是一名囚犯,但是上帝使用他的糟糕處境來成就好事。今天的經文跟我們談到當保羅到達羅馬時所發生的事情。
 上帝是這麼的奇妙!祂能夠讓美好的事情一直發生。今天就感謝祂、讚美祂在你生命中所作的工。 —JK
「(保羅)他大膽地宣揚上帝國的信息,教導有關主耶穌基督的事,沒有受到甚麼阻礙。」 使徒行傳28:31

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Good from Bad (2)
Bible Reading: Acts 28:16-30
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Good from Bad (2)  Yesterday we talked about Paul. He was a prisoner, but God used his bad situation to make good things happen. Our Bible Reading today tells us what happened to Paul when he arrived in Rome.
 Verse 16 tells us that in Rome Paul “was allowed to live alone. But a soldier stayed with him to guard him.” Paul did not sit around and do nothing. Right away he got busy telling people about Jesus. Paul “spoke to them all day long, explaining God’s kingdom to them. He used the Law of Moses and the writings of the prophets to persuade them to believe in Jesus” (verse 23b).
 Paul was in the bad situation of being a prisoner, but because of that, many people in Rome became Christians. “Paul stayed two full years in his own rented house. He welcomed all the people who came to him” (verse 30).
 God is so wonderful! He is able to make good things happen all the time. Praise Him and thank Him for working in your life today. —JK
“[Paul] told them about God’s kingdom and taught them about the Lord Jesus Christ. He was very bold, and no one tried to stop him from speaking.” Acts 28:31
PRAYER: God, thank You for making good things happen in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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