
on 2014年6月10日 星期二
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳21:7-14 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝與你同在  榮恩和他的太太蘇都是基督徒,最近他們發現榮恩得了末期癌症,接著他們又得知租了四十年的農場即將出售。榮恩和蘇知道他們必須另外找一個住的地方,而且榮恩可能被迫提早退休。雖然經歷這些試煉,榮恩和蘇的信心依然堅強。
 榮恩和蘇面臨艱難的時刻,保羅也是,但他們都知道在任何情況上帝都會與他們同在。今天上帝也與你同在,就信靠祂和祂對你生命的計畫。 -NM
「我們無法說服他,就都住口,只說:『願主的旨意成就。』」 使徒行傳21:14

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God is With You
Bible Reading: Acts 21:7-14
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

God is With You  Ron and his wife, Sue, are Christians. Recently they found out that Ron had terminal cancer. Then they learned that the farm they had rented for forty years was to be sold. Ron and Sue knew that they would have to find another place to live and that Ron might be forced to retire early. But through these trials, Ron and Sue remained strong in their faith.
 In our Bible Reading for today, the prophet Agabus had told Paul and his friends that Paul would be arrested when he went to Jerusalem. So Paul’s friends tried to stop him from going to Jerusalem. But Paul told his friends (verse 13), “Why are you crying and making me feel so sad? I am willing to be put in jail in Jerusalem. I am even ready to die for the name of the Lord Jesus!”
 Ron and Sue faced bad times, and so did Paul. But they all knew that God would be with them in every situation. God is with you today, too. Trust Him and His plan for your life. —NM
“We could not persuade him to stay away from Jerusalem. So we stopped begging him and said, ‘We pray that what the Lord wants will be done.’” Acts 21:14
PRAYER: Lord, I know that You will always be with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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