聖經閱讀:路加福音6:27-36 現代中譯本|合和本
我是在一所啟聰學校裡長大的,我有好成績,也參與了許多運動項目。然後,我上了一所專為聽障者辦的大學,那時我開始跟來自全美國各地的聽障學生交往。 在大學時,我開始做一些以前從沒做過的事,不久之後,我就染上了毒癮。我的生活一團糟,我知道我正讓魔鬼來控制我。 然後,我認識了耶穌,也成為基督徒,那條把我跟魔鬼綁在一起的鍊條就不見了!在耶穌裡我得著了自由。 但是,在我的感覺裡,那些曾經鼓勵我去做壞事的人都像是我的敵人。然後,我讀了今天聖經閱讀裡的經文,在這些經節裡,耶穌告訴我們應該要愛我們的敵人,並且為他們禱告。當我開始愛我的敵人時,我感覺一副重擔就從我的生命中被提走。 而你呢?你願不願意去愛你的敵人、原諒他們並為他們禱告呢?—DG* 「但是,你們這些聽我話的,我告訴你們,要愛你們的仇敵,善待恨惡你們的;」 路加福音6:27
(EHI譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Love Your Enemies
Bible Reading: Luke 6:27-36
Sunday, June 30 2013
I grew up in a deaf school. I got good grades and participated in sports. Then I went to a college for deaf people. I started socializing with deaf students from all over the United States. At college I started doing things that I had not done before. Soon I was addicted to drugs. My life fell apart. I realized that I was allowing the devil to control me. Then I learned about Jesus, and I became a Christian. The chains that had bound me to the devil were gone! I was free in Jesus. But I felt like the people who had encouraged me to do bad things were my enemies. Then I read the verses from our Bible reading today. In these verses, Jesus tells us that we should love our enemies and pray for them. When I started loving my enemies, I felt that a burden had been lifted from my life. What about you? Are you willing to love your enemies, forgive them and pray for them? —DG* “But I say to you people who are listening to me, love your enemies. Do good to those who hate you.” Luke 6:27
PRAYER: God, thank You for Jesus and for teaching me to love my enemies. In His name. Amen. |