聖經閱讀:雅各書1:12-15 現代中譯本|合和本
萊恩正坐在割草機上修剪他家的草坪,而他的小女兒卻想跟他在一起,有時她太靠近割草機了。萊恩知道割草機的危險性,所以他警告女兒「不要太靠近!」 有時候我會聽到一些基督徒,他們太靠近罪帶來的危險,他們愛上帝、也服事上帝,但有時候他們做錯事了,他們受試探而放縱肉體的情慾,反而沒有照上帝希望的去做。 今天的經文談到「罪」,第14-15節幫助我們了解罪的真面目:「一個人受試誘,是被自己的慾望勾引去的。他的慾望懷了胎,生出罪惡,罪惡一旦長成就產生死亡。」 今天要小心!要遠離罪惡、親近上帝,並求祂幫助你做對的事。因為你對祂忠心持守,上帝會祝福你。—NM 「遭受試煉而忍耐到底的人有福了;因為通過考驗之後,他將領受上帝向愛他的人所應許那生命的冠冕。」 雅各書1:12
(YUDL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Don’t Get Too Close!
Bible Reading: James 1:12-15
Friday May 31, 2013
Ryan was mowing his lawn with a riding mower. His little girl wanted to be with him. Sometimes she came too close to the mower. Ryan knew about the danger of the mower, and he warned his daughter, “Don’t get too close!” Sometimes I hear about Christians who get too close to the dangers of sin. They love and serve God, but sometimes they fail. They are tempted and give in to their physical desires instead of doing what God wants. Our Bible Reading today talks about sin. Verses 14-15 help us understand what sin is really like. “You are tempted by the evil things you want. Your own desire leads you away and traps you. Your desire grows inside you until it results in sin. Then the sin grows bigger and bigger and finally ends in death.” Be careful today! Run away from sin. Stay close to God and ask Him to help you do what is right. God will bless you for staying faithful to Him. —NM “Great blessings belong to those who are tempted and remain faithful! After they have proved their faith, God will give them the reward of eternal life.” James 1:12a
PRAYER: Father, thank You for helping me do what is right. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |