
on 2013年10月24日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇15:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

敬虔的人  我的爺爺告訴我,在他小時候,人們只需握握手就可決定交易,他們並不需要簽訂合約。那真是一個人們彼此誠實並且相互信任的年代。
 你是一個敬虔的人嗎?上面所說的是在說你嗎?如果不是,就倚靠聖靈在你的生命中作工,使你成長而具備這樣的特質。 —ES
「誰可居住在你的聖山錫安?就是行為正直,凡事順從上帝的人。他說話真誠」 詩篇15:1b-2

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A Godly Person
Bible Reading: Psalm 15:1-5
Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Godly Person  My grandfather told me that when he was growing up, people sealed deals with just a handshake. They didn’t need to write a contract. That was truly a time of honesty and trust among people.
 I watch the news today, and I see people who are dishonest and greedy. They are not godly people. In Psalm 15, the writer describes a godly person. Let’s look at what a godly person is like.
 Verse 2 says that a godly person lives a pure life, does what is right and speaks only the truth. Verse 3 tells us three things that godly people do not do. They do not say bad things about people, do bad things to them or gossip about them. Verse 4 says that godly people will do what they promise to do and verse 5 says that they will be honest.
 Are you a godly person? Do these things describe you? If not, depend on the Holy Spirit to work in your life to develop these characteristics. —ES
“ Who can live on your holy mountain? Only those who live pure lives, do what is right, and speak the truth from their hearts.” Psalm 15:1b-2
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to be a godly person. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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