
on 2013年10月22日 星期二
聖經閱讀:約翰一書3:11-18 現代中譯本|合和本

為什麼要愛?  今天經文的第11節說:「你們從起初所聽到的信息就是:我們要彼此相愛。」但有時候,愛別人真是不容易。如果有人傷了我們的心,或是惹我們生氣,我們也許會覺得不那麼愛他們了。
 我們都知道要愛別人,但也許我們會問:「我們為什麼要愛別人呢?」約翰在約翰一書4:19-20分享了這個問題的答案:「我們愛,因為上帝先愛了我們。若有人說 ,『我愛上帝』,卻恨自己的弟兄或姊妹,他就是撒謊的;他既然不愛那看得見的弟兄或姊妹,怎麼能愛那看不見的上帝呢?」
「上帝差他的獨子到世上來,使我們藉著他得到生命;上帝用這方法顯示他愛我們。」 約翰一書4:9

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Why Love?
Bible Reading: 1 John 3:11-18
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Why Love?  Verse 11 of our Bible Reading says, “This is the teaching you have heard from the beginning: We must love each other.” But sometimes it is not easy to love other people. If someone hurts our feelings or makes us angry, we may not feel like loving them.
 We know that we should love other people. But maybe we should ask, “Why should we love others?” John shares the answer to that question in 1 John 4:19-20. “We love because God first loved us. If we say we love God but hate any of our brothers or sisters in his family, we are liars. If we don’t love someone we have seen, how can we love God? We have never seen him.”
 Someday I will die, and I will see God. I do not want to be ashamed of what I have done here on earth. I want God to know that I have kept His command to love others — not just other Christians, but my enemies, too!
 Will you love the people you see today? Are you willing to love them like God loves you? —PD
“This is how God showed his love to us: He sent his only Son into the world to give us life through him.”1 John 4:9
PRAYER: Father, You are love! Thank You for sending Jesus to die for me. In His name. Amen.

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