預言 (4)

on 2015年11月30日 星期一
預言 (4)
聖經閱讀:馬太福音2:14-15 現代中譯本|合和本
2015年11月30 (一)

預言 (4)  何西阿是上帝所使用的另一位先知來告訴人們將來會發生的事。何西阿在何西阿書11:1分享了上帝的話:「上主說:以色列還是幼童的時候,我已經愛他;我把他當作自己的兒子,從埃及帶出來」。
 上帝是全能的神,祂知道每一件事,祂知道過去發生的事,也知道現在正發生的事,還有未來會發生的事。上帝不是很奇妙嗎? —CPE*
「要讚美上主! 唱歌頌讚我們的上帝是多麼美善! 讚美他是多麼愉快,多麼合宜! 」 詩篇147:1

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Prophecies (4)
Bible Reading: Matthew 2:14-15
Monday, November 30, 2015

Prophecies (4)  Hosea is another prophet God used to tell people something that would happen in the future. Hosea shared these words from God in Hosea 11:1: “The Lord said, ‘I loved Israel when he was a child, and I called my son out of Egypt.’”
 About 700 years later, that prophecy was fulfilled. Our Bible verses today tell us, “So Joseph got ready and left for Egypt with the child and the mother. They left during the night. Joseph stayed in Egypt until Herod died. This gave full meaning to what the Lord said through the prophet: ‘I called my son to come out of Egypt.’”
 God knew ahead of time that Joseph, Mary and Jesus would have to leave Israel and go to Egypt so Herod would not kill Jesus. Then, Joseph, Mary and Jesus went back to Israel and lived in Nazareth.
 God is all-powerful. He knows everything. He knows what has happened in the past, what is happening right now and what will happen in the future. Isn’t God amazing? —CPE*
“Praise the Lord because he is good. Sing praises to our God. It is good and pleasant to praise him.” Psalm 147:1
PRAYER: God, You know everything. You are amazing! In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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