預言 (1)

on 2015年11月27日 星期五
預言 (1)
聖經閱讀:馬太福音1:22-23 現代中譯本|合和本

預言 (1)  上帝使用先知以賽亞告訴人們關於耶穌降生的預言,這個預言記載在以賽亞書7:14:「主要親自賜給你們一個記號:有閨女要懷孕生子,並要給他取名『以馬內利』。」這個預言是在耶穌出生至少700年前就被預告了。
 在這個聖誕季節,請花時間讚美上帝,感謝祂實現差派祂的兒子耶穌來成就「上帝與我們同在」的應許。 —CPE*
「上帝一切的應許在基督身上都成為『是』了。因此,我們藉著祂說『阿們』來榮耀上帝。」 哥林多後書1:20

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Prophecies (1)
Bible Reading: Matthew 1:22-23
Friday, November 27, 2015

Prophecies (1)  God used the prophet Isaiah to tell people a prophecy about the birth of Jesus. This prophecy is recorded in Isaiah 7:14: “But the Lord will still show you this sign: The young woman is pregnant and will give birth to a son. She will name him Immanuel.” This prophecy was made at least 700 years before Jesus was born!
 In the New Testament, Matthew wanted people to know that what God had said would happen truly happened. Matthew said in our Bible Reading, “All this happened to make clear the full meaning of what the Lord said through the prophet” (verse 22).
 If I tried to predict what would happen 700 years from now, I would probably be wrong. I don’t know what is going to happen. But God knows everything. He knows exactly what will happen in the future.
 During this Christmas season, take time to praise God. Thank Him for fulfilling His promise to send His Son, Jesus, to be “God with us.”
“The yes to all of God’s promises is in Christ. And that is why we say, ‘Amen’ through Christ to the glory of God.” 2 Corinthians 1:20

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