聖經閱讀:創世記1:1-31 現代中譯本|合和本
昨天我們談到了不信上帝的人,對一個懷疑上帝真實性的人,你可以怎麼跟他說呢?下面是其中一個你可以給他們的回答。 受造之物讓我們看見上帝是真實的。看一看流水、樹木、草地、天空、動物和人類,所有這些是如何出現在地球上的呢?他們是無緣無故就出現的嗎?還是從別的東西逐漸進化而來的呢?地球是由某些氣體爆炸而形成的嗎? 想一想我們居住的地球,地球是一個很複雜的地方,裡面充滿了很多奇妙的東西,有可能地球和其中的事物是自己形成的嗎?不可能!一定是有人創造了他們。 「有人」是指誰呢?就是上帝!今天閱讀的經文談到我們的世界是如何被創造的,第1節說:「上帝創造天地。」由此,我們可以知道並相信上帝真的創造了世界。因著上帝偉大的創造,你要讚美祂! —CPE* 「大地和其中的一切都屬於上主;世界和世上的居民也屬於他。 他把大地奠立在海洋上,把地的根基安置在江河上。」 詩篇24:1-2
(尤榮輝譯) |
Creation Proves It!
Bible Reading: Genesis 1:1-31
Friday, October 9, 2015
Yesterday we talked about people who don't believe in God. What could you say to someone who wonders if God is real? Here is one answer you might give them. Creation shows that God is real. Look at the water, trees, grass, sky, animals and humans. How did all these things appear on earth? Did they just happen? Did they evolve from something else? Was the earth formed when some gases exploded? Think about the planet we live on. The earth is very complex, and it is filled with many wonderful things. Could the earth and these things have been formed by themselves? No! Someone needed to create them. Who was that someone? God! Our Bible verses today talk about how our world was made. Verse 1 says, “God created the sky and the earth.” We can know and believe that God truly made the earth. Praise God for His awesome creation! —CPE* “The earth and everything on it belong to the Lord. The world and all its people belong to him. He built the earth on the water. He built it on the rivers.” Psalm 24:1-2
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for creating everything, including me. I worship You as my Creator! In Jesus' name. Amen. |
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