聖經閱讀:希伯來書12:1-3 現代中譯本|合和本
我們的新房子是向一個寡婦買的,在她先生去世之後,她就無力為房子做必要的修繕,所以我先生跟我一直忙著修房子和清理房間。 我的先生提醒我,我們生活中的一些問題也必須修正,也許我們必須更努力讀經或有更多的禱告,也許我們必須除去生活中的一些壞習慣。我們越晚修正這些問題,它們就會越糟糕。 今天閱讀的經文告訴我們必須改變生命來更像耶穌,我們「應該排除一切的障礙和跟我們糾纏不休的罪」(第1b節)。我們可以藉著觀察耶穌的作為並效法祂的榜樣來達到目的,我們應該像耶穌一樣忠心和忍耐,我們絶不可放棄跟從祂。 今天在你的生活中什麼是必須改變的?要懇求上帝幫助你更像耶穌。 —JK 「我們要注視耶穌,因為他是我們信心的創始者和完成者。」 希伯來書12:2a
(尤榮輝譯) |
Moving (3)
Bible Reading: Hebrews 12:1-3
Friday, October 2, 2015
We bought our new house from a lady whose husband had died. After he died, she was not able to make necessary repairs around the house. So my husband and I have been busy fixing and cleaning things in the house. My house reminds me that there are things we need to fix in our lives. Maybe we need to read the Bible more or pray more. Maybe we need to remove some bad habits from our lives. The longer we wait to fix these things, the worse they become. Our Bible Reading today tells us that we need to change our lives and be more like Jesus. “We should remove from our lives anything that would slow us down and the sin that so often makes us fall” (verse 1b). We do this by looking at Jesus and following His example. We should be faithful and patient like Jesus. We should never give up following Him. What do you need to change in your life today? Ask God to help you be more like Jesus. —JK “We must never stop looking to Jesus. He is the leader of our faith, and he is the one who makes our faith complete.” Hebrews 12:2a
PRAYER: Dear God, show me how I can change my life and be more like Your Son, Jesus. In His name. Amen. |
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