聖經的奧祕 (7)

on 2015年4月25日 星期六
聖經的奧祕 (7)
聖經閱讀:歌羅西書1:24-27 現代中譯本|合和本

聖經的奧祕 (7)  今天閱讀的經文跟我們談到另一個聖經的奧祕,保羅把這個奧祕分享給歌羅西的基督徒,「這奧祕是:基督在你們的生命裡」(第27b節)。
 當知道耶穌住在我們的生命裡時,我們就擁有與祂永遠同住的盼望,而且每過一天,這個盼望就更加真實。今天就因著耶穌還活著並住在你的裡面而讚美上帝! —HLN
「就是他歷代以來向人類隱藏著的奧祕;這奧祕現在己經向他的子民顯明出來了。」 歌羅西書1:26

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Bible Mysteries (7)
Bible Reading: Colossians 1:24-27
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Bible Mysteries (7)  Our Bible verses today tell us about another Bible mystery. Paul shared this mystery with the Christians in the city of Colossae. “That secret truth, which is for all people, is that Christ lives in you, his people” (verse 27b).
 I cannot think of any Old Testament verses that tell us that God lived in someone. God was generally spoken of as being exalted, lifted up and high, not living in someone.
 But through Jesus, we can know that He lives within us — in our hearts, our minds and our lives. Jesus is never far away. He is in us every day.
 When we know that Jesus lives in us, we have hope of living forever with Him. With every day that passes, that hope becomes more real. Praise God that Jesus is alive and lives within you today! —HLN
“This message is the secret truth that was hidden since the beginning of time. It was hidden from everyone for ages, but now it has been made known to God’s holy people.” Colossians 1:26
PRAYER: Dear Lord, every minute of every day I want to remember that Jesus lives within me. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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