聖經的奧祕 (10)

on 2015年4月28日 星期二
聖經的奧祕 (10)
聖經閱讀:啟示錄17:1-18 現代中譯本|合和本

聖經的奧祕 (10)  新約聖經的最後一個奧祕出現在啟示錄的第18章和第19章,就是所謂的「大巴比倫」奧祕(啟示錄17:5)。
 這些經節警告上帝的子民不要跟惡人來往,而要跟隨上帝並且單單事奉祂! —HLN
「羔羊要擊敗他們,因為他是萬主之主,萬王之王。他所選召、忠心隨從他的人也要得勝。」 啟示錄17:14b

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Bible Mysteries (10)
Bible Reading: Revelation 17:1-18
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Bible Mysteries (10)  The New Testament's last mystery is in Revelation, chapters 18 and 19. It is the mystery of “The Great Babylon” (Revelation 17:5).
 We know Babylon in the Old Testament as a great city that ruled a world empire. God's people were in slavery there for 70 years. Babylon was finally destroyed, never to be rebuilt again (Isaiah 13:1-22).
 In John's vision in Revelation, he saw another Babylon in the form of a prostitute who would have power over many nations. This Babylon will be against God's people and cause many to be killed.
 Verse 18 of our Bible Reading tells us that this Babylon will be a great city that will have world power. But finally, this city will be destroyed. The people of the earth will be sad when the city is destroyed. But God's people will be happy.
 These verses warn God's people not to associate with evil people. Follow God and serve only Him! —HLN
“...the Lamb will defeat them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings. And with him will be his chosen and faithful followers — the people he has called to be his.” Revelation 17:14b
PRAYER: Dear Lord, we want to serve You. Guide us every day of our lives. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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