
on 2015年2月12日 星期四
聖經閱讀:士師記4:4-16 現代中譯本|合和本

底波拉  整本聖經裡,我們讀到上帝使用男人來完成祂的工作,但是在今天閱讀的經文中,我們知道上帝使用了一個女人來審理以色列人的訴訟並帶領他們打仗。
 上帝揀選底波拉來帶領以色列人,她忠心服事上帝。現今上帝使用男人、也使用女人來作祂世上的工,我希望今天你會讓上帝使用你。請將你的生命交託給祂,並且永遠盡你最大的努力來順服祂。 —JA*
「巴拉的軍隊發動攻擊的時候,上主使西西拉和他所有的鐵戰車軍隊潰亂。西西拉下了車,徒步逃跑。」 士師記4:15

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Bible Reading: Judges 4:4-16
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Deborah  Throughout the Bible we read that God used men to accomplish His work. But in our Bible Reading today we learn that God used a woman to judge Israel and lead them into battle.
 This woman was named Deborah. She was one of the many judges who helped the nation of Israel. Deborah gave a message to a man named Barak. She told Barak that God wanted him to gather an army of 10,000 men to fight against Sisera and his army.
 But Barak said to Deborah, “I will go and do this if you will go with me” (verse 8b). So Deborah went with Barak to gather an army. With God’s help, the Israelites defeated Sisera’s army.
God chose Deborah to lead the Israelites, and she served God well. Today God uses both men and women to do His work here on earth. I hope you will allow God to use you today. Surrender your life to Him and always do your best to obey Him. —JA*
“Barak and his men attacked Sisera. During the battle the Lord confused Sisera and his army and chariots. They did not know what to do.” Judges 4:15a

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