遺失 (2)

on 2015年2月22日 星期日
遺失 (2)
聖經閱讀:路加福音15:8-10 現代中譯本|合和本

遺失 (2)  耶穌接著又說了另一個遺失東西的故事,這一次的故事是關於一個女人,她有十個銀幣,但遺失了一個。這十個銀幣大概對這個女人很重要,也許這是她所有的錢財,所以當她遺失了一個時,她感到非常苦惱。
 想一想當你成為基督徒的時候,你可知道天使也與你一同歡喜快樂?今天就謝謝上帝藉著耶穌賜下祂的奇妙救恩禮物。 —JF
「同樣,我告訴你們,上帝的天使也要為了一個罪人的悔改而高興。」 路加福音15:10

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Lost (2)
Bible Reading: Luke 15:8-10
Sunday, February 22, 2015

Lost (2)  Jesus continued to tell another story about something that was lost. This time the story was about a woman who had ten silver coins, but she lost one. Probably these ten coins were very important to this woman. Maybe this was all the money she had. So when she lost one coin, she was very upset.
 The woman cleaned her house and looked for the lost coin. She continued to search until she found it. Then she did what the shepherd did in our story yesterday — she told her friends and neighbors the good news. She said (verse 9), “Be happy with me because I have found the coin that I lost!”
 Then Jesus talks again about a lost sinner. He said that when someone changes and turns to God, the angels in heaven are very happy.
 Think about the time when you became a Christian. Did you know that the angels rejoiced with you? Thank God today for His wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus. —JF
“In the same way, it’s a happy time for the angels of God when one sinner decides to change.” Luke 15:10
PRAYER: God, I remember the day I surrendered my life to You. Thank You for saving me and forgiving my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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