聖經閱讀:提摩太後書4:6-8 現代中譯本|合和本
我昨天參加了羅德的喪禮,他是一個非常好、真正為耶穌而活的基督徒。羅德得了癌症,也接受了好幾年的治療,雖然經歷所有這些苦難,羅德始終忠心事奉上帝。 羅德喪禮中的信息是以今天的經文為基礎。保羅知道他將不久人世:「現在就是我離開人世的時刻」(第6b節)。保羅將自己的一生比喻成打一場仗或是進行一場賽跑,他正等著領取他的獎賞──與上帝共享永生。 但是這個獎賞不只是賜給保羅,也要賜給羅德和每一個愛上帝、順服上帝的人:「不但賜給我,也要賜給所有愛慕他顯現的人」(第8b節)。 如果你不是一個基督徒,就去跟一個可以和你分享上帝話語的人談話,學習如何跟隨並順服上帝,然後每天忠心事奉祂。 —JK 「那值得競爭的賽跑,我已經跑過;該跑的全程,我已經跑完;該守的信仰,我已經守住。」 提摩太後書 4:7
(李信儀譯) |
Serve Faithfully
Bible Reading: 2 Timothy 4:6-8
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Yesterday I attended Rod's funeral. He was a wonderful Christian man who truly lived for Jesus. Rod had cancer and had undergone several years of treaments. But through all the hard times, Rod always served God faithfully. Rod's funeral sermon was based on the verses from our Bible Reading today. Paul knew that he would die soon. “The time has come for me to leave this life here” (verse 6b). Paul compared his life to fighting a fight or running a race. He was waiting to receive his reward — eternal life with God. But that reward was not only for Paul. It is for Rod and for every other person who loves and obeys God. “Yes, he will give it to me and to everyone else who is eagerly looking forward to his coming” (verse 8b). If you are not a Christian, talk with someone who can share God's Word with you. Learn how you can follow and obey God. Then serve Him faithfully every day! —JK “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have served the Lord faithfully.”2 Timothy 4:7
PRAYER: Father, sometimes it is not easy to serve You. Help me to stay close to You and Your Word. In Jesus' name. Amen. |
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