聖經閱讀:使徒行傳 3:11-20 現代中譯本|合和本
我住在一個夏天高溫潮濕的地區,當我感到悶熱、不舒服時,我會找方法來消暑,其中一個方法就是進到屋裡打開冷氣機。 當我們犯罪時,聖靈會使我們感到不安,祂希望我們向上帝認罪並回轉歸向祂。在今天的經文中,彼得告訴一群人他們必須做的事情,第19-20a節告訴我們:「所以,你們要悔改,轉向上帝,他就赦免你們的罪。主會賜給你們靈力更新的日子。」 當天氣濕熱時,冷氣機讓我感到清涼舒適。同樣的,當我們向上帝認罪並懇求祂的赦免時,我們也感受到更新和安息。 如果你的生命中有罪,今天就告訴上帝,懇求祂赦免你,讓你再一次感到平安。 —PD 「來吧,所有勞苦、背負重擔的人都到我這裏來!我要使你們得安息。」 馬太福音11:28
(李信儀譯) |
Bible Reading: Acts 3:11-20
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
I live in an area where there are high temperatures and humidity during the summer. When I become hot and uncomfortable, I find ways to cool off. One way is to go into my house and turn on the air conditioner. When we sin, the Holy Spirit makes us feel uncomfortable. He wants us to confess our sins to God and turn back to Him. In our Bible Reading today, Peter told a crowd of people what they needed to do. Verses 19-20a tell us, “So you must change your hearts and lives. Come back to God, and he will forgive your sins. Then the Lord will give you times of spiritual rest.” When it is hot and humid, the air conditioner makes me feel cool and comfortable. In the same way, when we confess our sins and ask God to forgive us, we feel refreshed and rested. If you have sin in your life, talk to God today. Ask Him to forgive you and make you feel peaceful again. —PD “Come to me all of you who are tired from the heavy burden you have been forced to carry. I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
PRAYER: Lord, please forgive my sins and help me to rest in Your love and forgiveness. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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