使徒行傳中的女人 (7)

on 2014年7月7日 星期一
使徒行傳中的女人 (7)
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳16:1-2;提摩太後書1:3-6 現代中譯本|合和本

使徒行傳中的女人 (7)  提摩太在年輕的時候成為基督徒,使徒行傳第16章跟我們談到提摩太的父親是希臘人,但是提摩太的母親是相信上帝的猶太人。在提摩太成為基督徒後,他到各處去傳講耶穌,有時候跟保羅一起旅行。
 教導我們的兒女和孫兒女認識耶穌是很重要的,而效法耶穌順服上帝的樣式也很重要。這樣,我們的兒女和孫兒女也將會願意學像耶穌。 —JK
「上帝呼召你們的目的就在這裏;因為基督為你們受苦,給你們留下榜樣。」 彼得前書2:21a

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Women in Acts (7)
Bible Reading: Acts 16:1-2; 2 Timothy 1:3-6
Monday, July 7, 2014

Women in Acts (7)  Timothy was a young man who became a Christian. Acts, chapter 16, tells us that Timothy’s father was a Greek. But Timothy’s mother was a Jew who believed in God. After Timothy became a Christian, he traveled and told people about Jesus. Sometimes Timothy traveled with Paul.
 2 Timothy is a letter that Paul wrote to Timothy to encourage him in his ministry. In 2 Timothy, Paul talks about Timothy’s grandmother and mother. Paul said, “I remember your true faith. That kind of faith first belonged to your grandmother Lois and to your mother Eunice. I know you now have that same faith” (verse 5).
 Lois and Eunice believed in God. And they taught Timothy to believe in God, too. That was the foundation for Timothy to learn about Jesus and to believe that He is God’s Son.
 It is very important for us to teach our children and grandchildren about Jesus. And it is also important for us to follow Jesus’ example of obeying God. Then our children and grandchildren will want to be like Jesus, too. —JK
“This is what you were chosen to do. Christ gave you an example to follow.” 1 Peter 2:21a
PRAYER: God, I want to show other people how they can follow Jesus. In His name. Amen.

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