
on 2014年7月16日 星期三
聖經閱讀:使徒行傳15:36-40 現代中譯本|合和本

意見不合  保羅和巴拿巴是好朋友,他們一起同工向人傳講耶穌,但是今天的經文告訴我們,有一天保羅和巴拿巴意見不合。
 當你們意見不合時,不要放棄或逃避,就求上帝幫助你找到解決的方法。 —GT
「促進和平的人多麼有福啊;上帝要稱他們為兒女!」 馬太福音5:9

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Bible Reading: Acts 15:36-40
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Disagreements  Paul and Barnabas were good friends. They worked together to tell people about Jesus. But our Bible verses tell us that one day, Paul and Barnabas had a disagreement.
 Barnabas wanted to take Mark with them on a mission trip. Paul disagreed. Verse 39a says, “Paul and Barnabas had a big argument about this. It was so bad that they separated and went different ways.”
 We all have times when we disagree with other people. The Bible tells us how we can work through a disagreement. First, we should try to understand what the other person is feeling and thinking. Philippians 2:3 says, “...don’t let selfishness or pride be your guide. Be humble and honor others more than yourselves.” Second, we should not become angry. Ephesians 4:26 tells us to not let our anger make us sin and to “not stay angry all day.”
 When you have a disagreement, don’t give up or run away. Ask God to help you find a solution. —GT
“Great blessings belong to those who work to bring peace. God will call them his sons and daughters.” Matthew 5:9
PRAYER: Father, help me to be loving and kind to all people. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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