
on 2014年1月22日 星期三
聖經閱讀:希伯來書11:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

相信上帝  我跟我太太在婚姻生活中遇到了一些財務困難,有一次,我太太兼了兩份工作來幫助支應開銷。
「那麼,信心是甚麼呢?信心是對所盼望的事有把握,對不能看見的事能肯定。古人能夠贏得上帝的贊許就是由於他們相信上帝。」 希伯來書11:1-2

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Faith in God
Bible Reading: Hebrews 11:1-13
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Faith in God  My wife and I have faced financial struggles in our marriage. At one time, my wife was working two jobs to help pay the bills.
 It was at that time I suggested to my wife that we give God one-tenth of our income. My wife was not sure that was a good idea. She didn’t think we could give away that much money and still live. I reminded her that our money does not really belong to us — it belongs to God.
 My wife and I had faith that God would take care of us, so we started giving one-tenth to Him. God took care of us and blessed us in many different ways. Hebrews, chapter 11, talks about people from the Bible who had faith in God. Because of their faith, God blessed them.
 Trust God with your money and your possessions today. He will provide for you and bless you in amazing ways! —MA*
“Faith is what makes real the things we hope for. It is proof of what we cannot see. God was pleased with the people who lived a long time ago because they had faith like this.” Hebrews 11:1-2
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, thank You that we can learn lessons about faith from the Bible. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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