耶穌做了什麼 (4)

on 2014年1月4日 星期六
耶穌做了什麼 (4)
聖經閱讀:路加福音8:4-15 現代中譯本|合和本

耶穌做了什麼 (4)  耶穌是一位很棒的教師,祂用兩種方式來教導人。第一,耶穌藉著向人傳講上帝和祂對他們生命的計劃來教導人;第二,耶穌以身作則來教導人。耶穌順服上帝、服事上帝,祂也鼓勵人們要像祂一樣。
 今天的經文談到有一次耶穌正在教導一大群人,那時耶穌說了一個關於種子的故事。那些種子分別被種在不同性質的地方,有些種子發芽成長了,而有些卻沒有。耶穌解釋說,種子代表上帝的教導,有些人並不接受上帝所說的話,有些人只是短暫接受,然後就消失不見了,而有些人則是「聽了信息,以良善和誠實的心持守它,恆心等待,直到它結出果實」(第15b節) 。
 我們必須幫助其他人認識上帝。我們可以藉著分享聖經,也可以藉著天天學像耶穌來幫助他們。 —JK
「你們要讓基督的信息豐豐富富地長住在你們心裏。要用各樣的智慧互相教導、規勸,用詩篇、聖詩、靈歌從心底發出感謝的聲音來頌讚上帝。」 哥羅西書3:16

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WDJD (4)
Bible Reading: Luke 8:4-15
Saturday, January 4, 2014

WDJD (4)  Jesus was a wonderful teacher. He taught people in two ways. First, Jesus taught by telling people about God and His plan for their lives. Second, Jesus taught by His example. Jesus obeyed and served God and encouraged people to be like Him.
 Our Bible verses talk about a time when Jesus was teaching a large group of people. Jesus told a story about seeds. The seeds were planted in different kinds of ground. Some seeds grew and some didn’t grow. Jesus explained that the seeds represent God’s teaching. Some people do not accept what God says. Others accept it for a short time and then fall away. And some people “hear God’s teaching with a good, honest heart. They obey it and patiently produce a good crop” (verse 15b).
 We need to teach other people about God. We can do that by sharing the Bible with them. We can also teach them by being like Jesus every day. —JK
“Let the teaching of Christ live inside you richly. Use all wisdom to teach and counsel each other. Sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” Colossians 3:16
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to teach other people about You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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