
on 2014年1月11日 星期六
聖經閱讀:約拿書2:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

約拿的禱告  約拿遇到了一個艱難的情況,他被吞吃到一條大魚的肚子裡!而約拿做了什麼呢?他禱告!
 也許今天你也遇到了艱難的情況,切勿倚靠世界的勢力,而要像約拿一樣信靠上帝。 —MH*
「但是我要歌頌你;我要向你獻上牲祭,償還一切所許的願。救恩只有從上主而來!」 約拿書2:9

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Jonah’s Prayer
Bible Reading: Jonah 2:1-10
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jonah’s Prayer  Jonah was facing a tough situation. He was in the stomach of a very big fish! What did Jonah do? He prayed.
 Verse 7 of our Bible Reading tells us what Jonah prayed. “My soul gave up all hope, but then I remembered the Lord. I prayed to you, and you heard my prayers in your holy Temple.” Jonah continued praying and telling God that he would sacrifice to Him, praise Him and thank Him. God listened to Jonah’s prayer and rescued him.
 I have faced tough situations, too. And I have learned that if I pray, God will help me. One time I was locked out of my truck. So I prayed and asked God to help me. When I finished praying, I decided to try a different key. The key fit in the lock and opened the door. At that moment, I realized God’s power!
 Maybe you are facing tough situations today. Don’t depend on things in the world. Be like Jonah and depend on God. —MH*
“I will give sacrifices to you, and I will praise and thank you. I will make special promises to you, and I will do what I promise. Salvation only comes from the Lord!” Jonah 2:9
PRAYER: God, I want to be Your friend and depend on You every day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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