聖經閱讀:詩篇138:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本
我喜歡吃滿滿一大盤義大利麵,上面淋上我自己做的醬汁。夏天的時候,我會在院子裡種蕃茄,然後採收來做料理。我會先去掉蕃茄的皮和裡面的子,然後下鍋熬煮,直到變成濃濃的醬汁。 蕃茄醬汁煮好、保存起來後,可以拿來做很多東西,例如:義大利麵醬、蕃茄醬、蕃茄湯,或是比薩醬。同樣是蕃茄醬汁,但我可以決定每一罐的用途。 詩篇第138篇的作者知道上帝對他的生命有一個計畫,所以在他需要時,上帝就會賜給他力量和幫助。有時候,我對自己的人生會有偉大的夢想和計畫,但是我知道,上帝要我跟隨祂的計畫。 人生不會總是事事順利、無憂無慮,但是,因為知道上帝會與我同在,我就有平安。—SP* 「耶和華必成全關乎我的事;耶和華啊,你的慈愛永遠長存!求你不要離棄你手所造的。」 詩篇 138:8
(SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
His Purpose
Bible Reading: Psalm 138:1-8
Thursday, November 29, 2012
I love to eat a plate full of spaghetti covered with my homemade spaghetti sauce! In the summer I grow tomatoes in my garden. Then I pick them and prepare them to cook. I remove the skins and seeds and cook the tomatoes until they become a thick sauce. After the tomato sauce is prepared and stored away, I can use it to make many things: spaghetti sauce, ketchup, tomato soup or pizza sauce. The sauce is all the same, but I decide what I will make from each jar of sauce. The writer of Psalm 138 knew that God had a purpose for his life. God gave him strength and help when he needed it. Sometimes I have big dreams and plans for my life. But I know that God wants me to follow His plan. Life isn’t always easy. But I have peace because I know that God will be with me. —SP* “Lord, give me the things you promised. Lord, your true love continues forever. Lord, you made us, so don’t leave us!” Psalm 138:8
PRAYER: Father, show me the plan for my life. Thank You for always being with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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