感恩節 (5)

on 2012年11月22日 星期四
感恩節 (5)
聖經閱讀:詩篇100:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩節 (5)  兩天前,我們談到要愛上帝,來表達對祂的感謝;昨天,我們談到愛人也是向上帝表示謝意。今天,我們要來談談服事別人也是向上帝說謝謝的方式。
 「服事」是什麼意思呢?服事的意思是去為某人工作、去幫助他們,或者滿足他們的需要。今天的經文談到服事上帝,第2節說:「要歡歡喜喜地敬拜他;」 其實,我們服事人就是在服事上帝,但我們要如何服事人呢?
「上主至善,他的慈愛永恆;他的信實萬代長存。」 詩篇100:5

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Thanksgiving (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving (5)  Two days ago, we talked about thanking God by loving Him. Yesterday we talked about thanking God by loving other people. Today we will talk about thanking God by serving other people.
 What does it mean to serve? Serving means to work for someone, to help them or to meet their needs. Verse 2a of our Bible Reading today talks about serving God. “Be happy as you serve the Lord!” We serve God by serving other people. But how do we serve people?
 Every person needs something. One person may need his lawn mowed. You could mow their lawn. Another person may need a baby sitter for her children. You could offer to take care of the children. Other people may need you to pray for them.
 Take time to look at the people around you. Ask them what they need. Then find a way to help those people and meet their needs.
 Remember that every time you serve another person, you are serving God. Thank God by serving others today! —GT
“The Lord is good! His love is forever. We can trust him forever and ever!” Psalm 100:5
PRAYER: God, I will serve You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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