
on 2012年11月25日 星期日
聖經閱讀:詩篇72:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

貧乏無助的人  也許你希望自己是一名海外宣教士,也許你很佩服那些在其他國家、將生命完全獻上來服事上帝的人。
 上帝要我們去滿足那些貧乏無助的人物質上的需要,但更重要的是,祂要我們去跟他們分享耶穌的好消息。你可以改變周遭的人,讓他們的生命不再一樣。今天,你決定到哪裡宣教了嗎? —NW
「願全國享受太平;願全民共嘗正義。願君王以公平維護窮苦人;願他救援貧乏無助的人,並打擊欺壓他們的人。」 詩篇72:3-4

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Helpless People
Bible Reading: Psalm 72:1-7
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Helpless People  Maybe you wish that you could be a missionary in a foreign country. Or maybe you admire people in other countries who give up their lives to serve Jesus.
 God may not call you to serve Him in another country. Maybe He wants you to be a missionary in your own neighborhood or the place where you work. God gives us opportunities every day to be missionaries for Him.
 Verse 4 of our Bible Reading talks about helpless people. Many people around us today are helpless and need someone to love them. Think about the lonely elderly person who lives near you. Or children who need someone to love them and take care of them.
 God wants us to meet the physical needs of helpless people. But more importantly, He wants us to share the Good News about Jesus with them. You can make a difference in the lives of people around you. Where will you be a missionary today? —NW
“Let there be peace and justice throughout the land. Let the king be fair to the poor people. Let him help the helpless. Let him punish the people who hurt them.” Psalm 72:3-4
PRAYER: God, use me today to help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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