
on 2012年11月27日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇74:1-23 現代中譯本|合和本

再一次與我們同住  今天的經文中,作者很傷心,為什麼呢?因為敵人毀掉了上帝在耶路撒冷的聖殿。敵人的軍隊用斧頭劈倒了聖殿,然後放火焚燒。上帝的百姓花了好幾年的時間才建好的聖殿,在短短的時間裡,就被毀掉了。
「上帝啊,我們感謝你,我們感謝你!我們宣揚你的偉大,述說你奇妙的作為」 詩篇75:1

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Live with Us Again
Bible Reading: Psalm 74:1-23
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Live with Us Again  In our Bible verses, the writer is very sad. Why? Because the enemy has destroyed God’s temple in Jerusalem. Soldiers cut down the temple with axes and hatchets and then burned it. It took years for God’s people to build the temple, but it was destroyed in a short time.
 But the writer is not sad that the building is gone. He is sad because the temple was the place where God lived. It was the place where God’s people came to worship Him. So in verses 12-23, the writer reminds God of His greatness and power. And he asks Him to live among His people again.
 Maybe your life has been ruined by sin. Maybe you feel like God is not in your life any more. Then do what the writer of Psalm 74 did — remember the wonderful things God has done and ask Him to live in your life again.
 No matter what is happening in your life today, God wants to be with you and share His blessings with you. —SH*
“We praise you, God! We praise you. You are near and people tell about the amazing things you do.” Psalm 75:1
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for wanting to be in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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