
on 2012年11月30日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇87:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

出生地  我的眼睛盯著前面的表格,第一個空格問我的姓名,姓名代表著我的家庭背景;第二個空格要我填上年紀,我的年紀顯示我在世上活了多久;最後的空格要我填出生地,這透露我是哪裡人。
「然而,我們是天上的公民;我們一心等候著我們的救主,就是主耶穌基督從天上降臨。」 腓立比書3:20

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Place of Birth
Bible Reading: Psalm 87:1-7
Friday, November 30, 2012

Place of Birth  I stared at the form in front of me. The first blank asked for my name. My name shows my family background. The next blank wanted my age. My age shows how long I have lived on earth. The last blank was for my place of birth. This shows where I have my citizenship.
 Verse 6 of today’s Bible Reading says, “God keeps a list about all his people. God knows where each person was born.” God has a plan for where each of us will be born. He had a purpose for His Son, Jesus, to be born in Bethlehem. And God had a purpose for Paul to be born in Tarsus. Because of that, Paul was a Roman citizen who could travel freely around the Roman Empire, telling people about Jesus.
 When we become Christians, we are born again. Then we have a new place of birth. We are born into a new life and become part of God’s family. Our citizenship is in heaven where we will live forever. Thank God today for making you one of His children. —CC
“But our homeland is in heaven. We are waiting for our Savior to come from heaven. Our Savior is the Lord Jesus Christ.” Philippians 3:20a
PRAYER: God, thank You for making me part of Your family. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月29日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇138:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

祂的計畫  我喜歡吃滿滿一大盤義大利麵,上面淋上我自己做的醬汁。夏天的時候,我會在院子裡種蕃茄,然後採收來做料理。我會先去掉蕃茄的皮和裡面的子,然後下鍋熬煮,直到變成濃濃的醬汁。
「耶和華必成全關乎我的事;耶和華啊,你的慈愛永遠長存!求你不要離棄你手所造的。」 詩篇 138:8

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His Purpose
Bible Reading: Psalm 138:1-8
Thursday, November 29, 2012

His Purpose  I love to eat a plate full of spaghetti covered with my homemade spaghetti sauce! In the summer I grow tomatoes in my garden. Then I pick them and prepare them to cook. I remove the skins and seeds and cook the tomatoes until they become a thick sauce.
 After the tomato sauce is prepared and stored away, I can use it to make many things: spaghetti sauce, ketchup, tomato soup or pizza sauce. The sauce is all the same, but I decide what I will make from each jar of sauce.
 The writer of Psalm 138 knew that God had a purpose for his life. God gave him strength and help when he needed it. Sometimes I have big dreams and plans for my life. But I know that God wants me to follow His plan.
 Life isn’t always easy. But I have peace because I know that God will be with me. —SP*
“Lord, give me the things you promised. Lord, your true love continues forever. Lord, you made us, so don’t leave us!” Psalm 138:8
PRAYER: Father, show me the plan for my life. Thank You for always being with me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月28日 星期三
聖經閱讀:詩篇33:1-22 現代中譯本|合和本

完美時間點  去年冬天,我的車子出了問題,毛病出在引擎的正時不對。引擎有適當的正時,車子才跑得順,而且有力。進了修車廠幾次之後,我終於找到一位修車專家。現在,我的車子很好開,而且也很有力。
 上帝總是能抓住最完美的時間點,而且祂永遠知道什麼是對我們最好的。如果我們完全倚靠上帝,祂會祝福我們的生命,但是,我們必須耐心等候祂,今天的經文第20節說 : 「我們仰望上主;他是我們的幫助,我們的保護者。
「我們心中充滿喜樂,因為我們信靠他的聖名。上主啊,我們仰望你;願你的慈愛常與我們同在。」 詩篇 33:21-22

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Perfect Timing
Bible Reading: Psalm 33:1-22
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Perfect Timing  Last winter I had trouble with my car. The problem was in the timing of the engine. Proper timing is required for a car to run smoothly and have enough power. After my car was in the garage several times, I finally found a mechanic who was an expert. Now my car runs well and has more power.
 Sometimes in life, our timing is off. Maybe we do things that God does not want us to do. Or, we don’t do things that we need to do. Then our lives are filled with problems, and we are not useful in God’s kingdom.
 God’s timing is perfect. He always knows what is best for us. If we depend on Him completely, He will bless our lives. But we need to be patient and wait for His timing. Verse 20 of our Bible Reading says, “So we will wait for the Lord. He helps us and he protects us.”
 Be careful today to live according to God’s timing and not your own. Ask Him to show you His will for your life. —NM
“God makes us happy. We truly trust his holy name. Lord, we truly worship you! So show your great love for us.” Psalm 33:21-22
PRAYER: God, thank You for always knowing what is best for us. Help me to be patient and wait for You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月27日 星期二
聖經閱讀:詩篇74:1-23 現代中譯本|合和本

再一次與我們同住  今天的經文中,作者很傷心,為什麼呢?因為敵人毀掉了上帝在耶路撒冷的聖殿。敵人的軍隊用斧頭劈倒了聖殿,然後放火焚燒。上帝的百姓花了好幾年的時間才建好的聖殿,在短短的時間裡,就被毀掉了。
「上帝啊,我們感謝你,我們感謝你!我們宣揚你的偉大,述說你奇妙的作為」 詩篇75:1

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Live with Us Again
Bible Reading: Psalm 74:1-23
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Live with Us Again  In our Bible verses, the writer is very sad. Why? Because the enemy has destroyed God’s temple in Jerusalem. Soldiers cut down the temple with axes and hatchets and then burned it. It took years for God’s people to build the temple, but it was destroyed in a short time.
 But the writer is not sad that the building is gone. He is sad because the temple was the place where God lived. It was the place where God’s people came to worship Him. So in verses 12-23, the writer reminds God of His greatness and power. And he asks Him to live among His people again.
 Maybe your life has been ruined by sin. Maybe you feel like God is not in your life any more. Then do what the writer of Psalm 74 did — remember the wonderful things God has done and ask Him to live in your life again.
 No matter what is happening in your life today, God wants to be with you and share His blessings with you. —SH*
“We praise you, God! We praise you. You are near and people tell about the amazing things you do.” Psalm 75:1
PRAYER: Thank You, Lord, for wanting to be in my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月26日 星期一
聖經閱讀:詩篇130:1-8 現代中譯本|合和本

呼求上帝  你是否遇到大麻煩?你是否受困在罪惡之中?你的生活是否跟某些事情辛苦奮戰中?那你該怎麼辦呢?
「我迫切等候上主的幫助;我信靠他的話。」 詩篇130:5

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Call to God
Bible Reading: Psalm 130:1-8
Monday, November 26, 2012

Call to God  Are you in deep trouble? Are you stuck in sin? Are there things you struggle with in your life? What should you do?
 The person who wrote Psalm 130 gives us an example of what to do. He was in deep trouble. He knew people around him had sinned. What did the writer do? He called to God for help. He asked the Lord to listen to him. Verse 2 says, “My Master, listen to me. Listen to my call for help.”
 Even when the writer was in deep trouble and experiencing hard times, he remembered to trust in God. He remembered that God is faithful and true. The writer also remembered that God is the One who saves people from their sins. “True love is found only with the Lord. The Lord saves us again and again” (verse 7b).
 When you are in trouble, don’t give up! Keep your faith in God. Seek Him. Continue to trust Him. Remember God is faithful. He is still the One who saves you from your sins. —CPE*
“I am waiting for the Lord to help me. My soul waits for him. I trust what the Lord says.” Psalm 130:5
PRAYER: Dear God, thank You for helping me when I am in trouble. Thank You for forgiving my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月25日 星期日
聖經閱讀:詩篇72:1-7 現代中譯本|合和本

貧乏無助的人  也許你希望自己是一名海外宣教士,也許你很佩服那些在其他國家、將生命完全獻上來服事上帝的人。
 上帝要我們去滿足那些貧乏無助的人物質上的需要,但更重要的是,祂要我們去跟他們分享耶穌的好消息。你可以改變周遭的人,讓他們的生命不再一樣。今天,你決定到哪裡宣教了嗎? —NW
「願全國享受太平;願全民共嘗正義。願君王以公平維護窮苦人;願他救援貧乏無助的人,並打擊欺壓他們的人。」 詩篇72:3-4

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Helpless People
Bible Reading: Psalm 72:1-7
Sunday, November 25, 2012

Helpless People  Maybe you wish that you could be a missionary in a foreign country. Or maybe you admire people in other countries who give up their lives to serve Jesus.
 God may not call you to serve Him in another country. Maybe He wants you to be a missionary in your own neighborhood or the place where you work. God gives us opportunities every day to be missionaries for Him.
 Verse 4 of our Bible Reading talks about helpless people. Many people around us today are helpless and need someone to love them. Think about the lonely elderly person who lives near you. Or children who need someone to love them and take care of them.
 God wants us to meet the physical needs of helpless people. But more importantly, He wants us to share the Good News about Jesus with them. You can make a difference in the lives of people around you. Where will you be a missionary today? —NW
“Let there be peace and justice throughout the land. Let the king be fair to the poor people. Let him help the helpless. Let him punish the people who hurt them.” Psalm 72:3-4
PRAYER: God, use me today to help others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月24日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇23:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本

詩篇第23篇  對很多人來說,詩篇第23篇是他們最喜愛的詩,通常小朋友都會背這首詩,我在喪禮中也聽過很多次。
「你的恩惠慈愛終生不離我;我要永遠住在你殿宇中。」 詩篇23:6

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Psalm 23
Bible Reading: Psalm 23:1-6
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Psalm 23  For many people, Psalm 23 is their favorite psalm. Often young children memorize this psalm. I have heard it read many times at funerals.
 My father was a farmer. When he was dying, my sister read this psalm to him. The words gave him comfort. He thought about the green pastures and calm pools of water that he had enjoyed during his life of farming. He also thought about God being with him, even as he was dying.
 This psalm is very comforting. It also reminds us of other ways God blesses us: He gives us everything we need (verse 1). He gives us strength (verse 3a). He shows us His goodness (verse 3b). He helps us not be afraid (verse 4a). And He gives us goodness and mercy (verse 6).
 Do you need comfort, strength, encouragement or mercy today? Read this psalm and think about all the things God does for you. Thank Him for being your Shepherd. —ECW
“Goodness and mercy will be with me the rest of my life. And I will sit in the Lord’s temple for a long, long time.” Psalm 23:6
PRAYER: Father, thank You for being my Shepherd and leading me each day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


on 2012年11月23日 星期五
聖經閱讀:詩篇55:1-23 現代中譯本|合和本

黑暗日子  有時候,當人們遭遇困難時,他們會說那是生命中的一段「黑暗日子」,他們遇到的麻煩如此的大,讓他們的生命似乎看不到一絲曙光和希望。
 今天,也許你正經歷生命中的「黑暗日子」,就跟上帝說吧!將你的憂慮告訴祂,然後完全信靠祂。 —CW*
「然而,我倚靠你不變的愛;我要因你的拯救喜樂。上主啊,我要向你歌唱,因為你施恩厚待我。」 詩篇13:5-6

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Dark Times
Bible Reading: Psalm 55:1-23
Friday, November 23, 2012

Dark Times  Sometimes when people are facing problems, they say it is a “dark time” in their life. Their troubles are so overwhelming that it seems that nothing bright and cheerful happens in their lives.
 The writer of Psalm 55 was going through a “dark time.” He was scared, and he wanted to run away from his problems. The writer was surrounded by lies, violence and fighting. Even his best friend was causing him trouble.
 Then in verses 16 and 17 he says, “I will call to God for help. And the Lord will answer me. I speak to God evening, morning, and noon. I tell him what upsets me, and he listens to me!” The writer ends this psalm by saying in verse 23b, “I will put my trust in you.” Now the writer was coming out of his “dark time” and seeing the “light” of God’s goodness and love.
 Maybe you are going through a “dark time” in your life today. Talk to God. Tell Him your worries, and then completely trust Him. —CW*
“Lord, I trusted in your love to help me. You saved me and made me happy! I sing a happy song to the Lord because he did good things for me.” Psalm 13:5-6
PRAYER: God, thank You for bringing light into my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

感恩節 (5)

on 2012年11月22日 星期四
感恩節 (5)
聖經閱讀:詩篇100:1-5 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩節 (5)  兩天前,我們談到要愛上帝,來表達對祂的感謝;昨天,我們談到愛人也是向上帝表示謝意。今天,我們要來談談服事別人也是向上帝說謝謝的方式。
 「服事」是什麼意思呢?服事的意思是去為某人工作、去幫助他們,或者滿足他們的需要。今天的經文談到服事上帝,第2節說:「要歡歡喜喜地敬拜他;」 其實,我們服事人就是在服事上帝,但我們要如何服事人呢?
「上主至善,他的慈愛永恆;他的信實萬代長存。」 詩篇100:5

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Thanksgiving (5)
Bible Reading: Psalm 100:1-5
Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving (5)  Two days ago, we talked about thanking God by loving Him. Yesterday we talked about thanking God by loving other people. Today we will talk about thanking God by serving other people.
 What does it mean to serve? Serving means to work for someone, to help them or to meet their needs. Verse 2a of our Bible Reading today talks about serving God. “Be happy as you serve the Lord!” We serve God by serving other people. But how do we serve people?
 Every person needs something. One person may need his lawn mowed. You could mow their lawn. Another person may need a baby sitter for her children. You could offer to take care of the children. Other people may need you to pray for them.
 Take time to look at the people around you. Ask them what they need. Then find a way to help those people and meet their needs.
 Remember that every time you serve another person, you are serving God. Thank God by serving others today! —GT
“The Lord is good! His love is forever. We can trust him forever and ever!” Psalm 100:5
PRAYER: God, I will serve You today. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

感恩節 (4)

on 2012年11月21日 星期三
感恩節 (4)
聖經閱讀:詩篇116:12-19 現代中譯本|合和本

感恩節 (4)  昨天,我們談到要愛上帝,來表達對祂的感謝。今天,我們要來談談另一種感謝上帝的方式,就是去愛其他人。
 今天,你就有機會感謝上帝,感謝祂為你所做的一切。現在,就出去跟別人分享耶穌的好消息。 —GT

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Thanksgiving (4)
Bible Reading: Psalm 116:12-19
Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving (4)  Yesterday we talked about showing God our thanks by loving Him. Today we will talk about showing our thanks by loving other people.
 Verse 12 of Psalm 116 asks a question. “What can I give to the Lord? The Lord gave me everything I have!” God has done so many wonderful things for us. He created us. He loves us and sent His Son to die for us. How can we give God the thanks that He deserves?
 When we believe and follow Jesus as our Savior, we become part of His kingdom, the church. We need to help the church grow. We can do that by loving other people and telling them about salvation through Jesus. It is not always easy to love some people. But God will help us be kind, helpful and patient as we witness to them.
 Today you will have the opportunity to thank God for all He has done for you. Go and share the Good News about Jesus with someone. —GT
“I will give the Lord the things I promised. I will go in front of all his people now.” Psalm 116:18
PRAYER: God, I want to show You my thanks by telling people about Jesus. In His name. Amen.