聖經閱讀:馬太福音8:23-27 現代中譯本|合和本
愛荷華州現在是冬天,幾天前有一場可怕的暴風雪,下了好幾吋雪,高高的雪堆掩蓋了馬路。我不喜歡這種天氣,但是我的愛犬格雷琴喜歡雪,她喜歡在下雪時玩耍、跳過雪堆。 當下雪和刮風的時候,我想著這場暴風雪所有可能帶來的壞事,然後我看了一下格雷琴,她四腳朝天仰躺在地上呼呼大睡,她一點也不擔心。這讓我停止憂慮而去思想上帝和祂的保護。在那場暴風雪中,上帝與我們同在,就跟祂在我們生活中的每一天一樣。 在今天讀的經文中,耶穌和祂的門徒在湖上遇到了一場暴風雨。門徒認為他們會淹死,但是耶穌卻在那場暴風雨中睡著了,祂醒來後平息了風和浪。 也許今天你會在生活中遇到困難,就倚靠上帝來照顧你。 -JK 「於是他起來,斥責風和浪,風浪就平靜了。」 馬太福音8:26
(尤榮輝譯) |
No Worry
Bible Reading: Matthew 8:23-27
Saturday, January 17, 2015
It is wintertime in Iowa. A few days ago, we had a terrible snowstorm. We had several inches of snow and there were high drifts covering the roads. I do not like this kind of weather, but my dog, Gretchen, loves the snow. She enjoys playing in the snow and jumping over the drifts. As the snow was coming down and the wind was blowing, I was thinking about all the bad things that could happen because of the storm. Then I looked at Gretchen. She was lying on her back on the floor, sound asleep. She wasn’t worried at all. This made me stop and think about God and His protection. God was with us during that storm, just as He is every other day of our lives. In our Bible Reading today, Jesus and His disciples faced a storm on a lake. The disciples thought that they would drown. But Jesus was asleep during the storm. He woke up and calmed the wind and the waves. Maybe you will face problems in your life today. Depend on God to take care of you. —JK “Then he stood up and gave a command to the wind and the water. The wind stopped, and the lake became very calm.” Matthew 8:26
PRAYER: Father, thank You for always taking care of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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