
on 2014年12月23日 星期二
聖經閱讀:馬太福音2:1-12 現代中譯本|合和本

聖誕節的星星  耶穌誕生的時候,東方的星象家正在研究星象,他們也許研讀過舊約聖經中關於耶穌要來的預言。當天空中出現一顆新星時,這些星象家知道這顆星會帶領他們到猶太人的王那裡,所以他們踏上旅途去尋找那位新的君王。
 這些星象家專注在那顆星星上而找到耶穌,我希望你能夠專注在聖經上而更加認識耶穌。 -IMJ
「他們看見那顆星,真是歡欣快樂。」 馬太福音2:10

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Christmas Star
Bible Reading: Matthew 2:1-12
Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Star  When Jesus was born, wise men from the east were studying the stars. Maybe they studied the Old Testament prophecies that told about the coming of Jesus. When a new star appeared in the sky, the wise men knew this star would lead them to the King of the Jews. So these men traveled to find the new king.
 It was probably a long hard trip for the wise men. Travel was sometimes dangerous because of robbers. The wise men first stopped in Jerusalem, but Jesus was not there. Our Bible Reading tells us that they continued following the star to Bethlehem where “it stopped above the place where” Jesus was (verse 9b).
 Many years ago, this special star led the wise men to Jesus. Today we have God’s Word, the Bible. The Bible tells us about Jesus and how we can follow Him. We can read the Bible every day and learn more and more about Jesus.
 The wise men focused on the star and found Jesus. I hope you will focus on the Bible and learn more about Jesus. —IMJ
“They were very happy and excited to see the star.” Matthew 2:10
PRAYER: Father, I want to learn more about Jesus and His plan for my life. In His name. Amen.

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