聖經閱讀:腓立比書1:3-11 現代中譯本|合和本
最後一個上帝幫助我記住的功課是信主的家人和朋友的重要性。很多我母親的親戚和朋友來參加她的喪禮,其中有一些人不是基督徒。能再一次看到這些人真好,但是他們所能做的似乎只是吹噓他們的金錢和財產。這些人只想要為自己而不是為上帝而活,讓我感到悲哀。 在新約聖經裡,我們可以讀到保羅寫給基督徒的信。在今天的經文中,我們得知保羅和腓立比基督徒的關係。保羅愛那些人,而他們也愛保羅;保羅為那些基督徒禱告,而他們支持他、鼓勵他。 想一想你信主的家人和朋友,回想你們一起歡笑、一起流淚、一起禱告的時光,然後感謝上帝賜給你這些信主的人。感謝上帝賜下曾經支持你並幫助你更親近祂的信主家人和朋友。 -JK 「上帝知道,我說我用基督耶穌的愛心深切地想念你們,這話是實在的。」 腓立比書1:8
(尤榮輝譯) |
Funeral Lessons (3)
Bible Reading: Philippians 1:3-11
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
The last lesson that God helped me remember is the importance of my Christian family and friends. Many of my mom’s relatives and friends came to her funeral. Some of these people are not Christians. It was nice to see these people again, but all they seemed to do was brag about their money and their possessions. I felt sad that these people want to live for themselves and not for God. In the New Testament we can read letters that Paul wrote to Christians. In our Bible Reading today, we learn about Paul’s relationship with the Christians in Philippi. Paul loved these people, and they loved Paul. Paul prayed for these Christians, and they supported and encouraged him. Think about your family members and friends who are Christians. Remember the times when you laughed together, cried together and prayed together. Then thank God for these Christian people. Thank God that your Christian family and friends have supported you and helped you be closer to Him. —JK “God knows that I want very much to see you. I love all of you with the love of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:8
PRAYER: God, thank You for my Christian family and friends who help me follow You. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |