
on 2014年11月29日 星期六
聖經閱讀:彼得前書2:1-10 現代中譯本|合和本

上帝揀選了你們  我有一些朋友,他們是宣教士、傳道人或是某種專業基督徒工作者。我一直以為,他們是唯一能教導別人如何成為基督徒的人。
 今天就去告訴別人上帝為你所成就的事,而且不要忘記感謝上帝藉著耶穌賜下祂的奇妙救恩禮物。 -BH
「你們是蒙揀選的種族,是王家的祭司,聖潔的國度,上帝的子民。從前你們不是上帝的子民,現在是他的子民。」 彼得前書2:9a, 10a

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God Chose You
Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:1-10
Saturday, November 29, 2014

God Chose You  I have several friends who are missionaries, ministers or some kind of specialized Christian workers. I have always thought that they were the only people who could show others how to become Christians.
 But then I read the verses in our Bible Reading for today. Verse 9b says, “He chose you to tell about the wonderful things he has done.” God has chosen each one of us to tell other people how He has changed our lives. We don’t need to make a formal speech. We can just sit down with someone and tell them how Jesus has touched our lives.
 And when we tell someone how God has changed us, we should also remember to thank God and praise Him. Why? Because God has bought us “out of the darkness of sin and into his wonderful light” (verse 9b).
 Tell someone today what God has done for you. And don’t forget to thank God for His wonderful gift of salvation through Jesus. —BH
“But you are his chosen people, the King’s priests. You are a holy nation, people who belong to God. In the past you were not a special people, but now you are God’s people.”1 Peter 2:9a,10a
PRAYER: Father, thank You for saving me. I look forward to telling others about You. In Jesus’ name.

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