聖經閱讀:約翰福音6:16-21 現代中譯本|合和本
當耶穌在世上的時候,祂行了很多神蹟,這些神蹟證明耶穌真是上帝的兒子。有時候耶穌醫治人或是讓人從死裡復活,有時候祂幫人趕鬼。在今天經文所提到的神蹟中,耶穌在加利利湖上行走,耶穌展現出祂有能力控制大自然。 我住在一個夏天會出現龍捲風的地區,沒有人可以控制龍捲風,或是引導它的去向。當我在寫這篇文章時,許多颱風正在加勒比海中形成,沒有人可以控制這些可怕的暴風雨,但是耶穌有權柄可以控制大自然的一切。 當船上耶穌的門徒看見耶穌時,他們都感到害怕,他們從來沒看見過有人走在水上!但是在第20節,耶穌對他們說:「是我,不要怕!」然後門徒就開心了。 耶穌能控制大自然,祂也能幫助我們解決每天的問題。當遇到問題時,我們不需要害怕。今天就倚靠祂! —JK 「門徒……看見耶穌在水上朝船走過來。」 約翰福音6:19b
(尤榮輝譯) |
Walking (8)
Bible Reading: John 6:16-21
Saturday, November 15, 2014
While Jesus was on earth, He did many miracles. These miracles proved that Jesus was truly God’s Son. Sometimes Jesus healed people or raised them from the dead. Other times, He removed demons from people. In the miracle in today’s Bible Reading, Jesus walked on Lake Galilee. Jesus showed that He can control nature. I live in an area where tornadoes occur during the summertime. No man can control a tornado or direct where it will go. As I write this devotion, many hurricanes are developing in the Caribbean Sea. No human can control these terrible storms. But Jesus has control over everything in nature. Jesus’ followers in the boat were scared when they saw Jesus. They had never seen anyone walk on water! But in verse 20, Jesus said to them, “Don’t be afraid. It’s me.” Then the followers were happy. Jesus can control nature. He can also help us with our problems every day. We don’t need to be afraid when we face problems. Depend on Him today! —JK “Then they saw Jesus. He was walking on the water. He was coming to the boat.” John 6:19b
PRAYER: God, thank You that Jesus can control nature. In His name. Amen. |
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