行走 (7)

on 2014年11月14日 星期五
行走 (7)
聖經閱讀:以賽亞書40:28-31 現代中譯本|合和本

行走 (7)  有幾個晚上,當我下班回到家時,我喜歡出去走一下,但我常常很難找到時間可以散步,有些時候,我太疲倦了以致於不知道自己是否還可以出去走走。今天經文的第31節談到「奔跑」和「行走」:「但是倚靠上主的人,充沛的精力源源不絕。他們會像老鷹一樣張開翅膀;他們奔跑不疲乏;他們行走不困倦。」
 以賽亞書第40章整章都在談上帝的大能、智慧和偉大。上帝會使用祂的大能、智慧和偉大來每天幫助我們,我們唯一要做的就是信靠祂。也許今天你正面對困難,就倚靠上帝來賜給你所需的力量。 —JK
「誰能跟神聖的上帝相比呢?世上有人像他嗎?」 以賽亞書40:25

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Walking (7)
Bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31
Friday, November 14, 2014

Walking (7)  Some evenings when I come home from work, I like to take a walk. Often it is hard to find the time to go for a walk. Other times I am so tired that I don’t know if I can go for a walk. Verse 31 of our Bible Reading talks about running and walking. “But those who trust in the Lord will become strong again — like eagles that grow new feathers. They will run and not get weak. They will walk and not get tired.”
 It would be great to run or walk long distances without becoming tired. But our Bible Reading is not talking about physical weakness or tiredness. It is talking about people who are spiritually weak or tired. If these people will trust God, they can become spiritually strong. They will be able to face the difficulties in life and not become discouraged.
 All of Isaiah, chapter 40, talks about God’s power, wisdom and greatness. God will use His power, wisdom and greatness to help us every day. All we need to do is trust Him. Maybe you are facing problems today. Depend on God to give you the strength you need. —JK
“The Holy One says, ‘Can you compare me to anyone? No one is equal to me.’” Isaiah 40:25
PRAYER: Father, thank You for being so powerful and wise. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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