
on 2014年8月14日 星期四
聖經閱讀:路加福音15:11-24 現代中譯本|合和本

父親與兒子  在工作的時候,我有時會做一些真是愚蠢的事,然後我會認為「老闆大概會懲罰我,並讓我再次從公司的基層做起。」但是這個情況還沒有發生!
 身為基督徒,我們是上帝的兒女,有時候我們會悖逆、不順服上帝,但是當我們悔改並回轉向上帝時,祂仍然接受我們是祂的兒女。今天就因著上帝奇妙的愛而感謝祂! —BL
「因為我這個兒子是死而復活,失而復得的。」 路加福音15:24

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Father and Son
Bible Reading: Luke 15:11-24
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Father and Son  Sometimes at work I do something that is really stupid. Then I think, “The boss will probably punish me and make me start over again at the bottom of the company.” But that has not happened yet!
 In our Bible verses, we read about a son who did something really stupid. He took his share of his father’s money and wasted it all. He had nothing to eat, so he took a job feeding pigs. Finally, he decided to go back to his father.
 When he saw his father, the son said, “Father, I have sinned against God and have done wrong to you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son” (verse 21b). The son knew that he had dishonored his father. He did not expect his father to treat him like a son again. But his father accepted him back and blessed him with many good things.
 As Christians, we are God’s sons and daughters. Sometimes we become rebellious and disobey God. When we repent and come back to God, He accepts us as His son or daughter. Thank God today for His wonderful love! —BL
“My son was dead, but now he is alive again! He was lost, but now he is found!” Luke 15:24a
PRAYER: God, thank You for being my heavenly Father. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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