
on 2012年12月6日 星期四
聖經閱讀:詩篇79:1-13 現代中譯本|合和本

告訴上帝你的感受  有些人在向上帝禱告時會感到不自在,他們認為自己的禱告不夠聖潔,或者認為禱告的用語或手勢不夠華麗。有些人甚至會認為:「上帝既然知道我需要什麼,為什麼我還需要向祂求呢?」
 今天就花時間來告訴上帝你的感受,讚美祂、向祂承認你的罪,並且記得要誠實面對祂。跟上帝交流,就好像你坐下來跟朋友說話一樣,上帝會專心聽你的禱告。 —SH*
「我因悲愁衰殘;夜夜我的床榻浸在眼淚裏,我的枕頭濕透了。」 詩篇6:6

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Tell God How You Feel
Bible Reading: Psalm 79:1-13
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Tell God How You Feel  Many people do not feel comfortable when they pray to God. They think that their prayers are not holy enough or that their words/signs are not fancy enough. Some people even think, “God knows what I need. Why do I need to ask Him for things?”
 The writer of our psalm today knew how to pray to God. So we can learn some things about prayer from these verses. First, the writer was honest with God. He told God exactly what was happening in his life. Second, the writer told God how he felt. In verse 8b he said, “Hurry, show us your mercy! We need you so much!” Third, the writer was humble when he asked God to forgive his sins (verse 9). And last, the writer praised God for what He had done (verse 13).
 Take time today to tell God how you feel. Praise Him and confess your sins. And remember to be honest with Him. Communicate with God just like you would if you were sitting down to talk with a friend. God will pay attention to your prayers. —SH*
“Lord, all night I prayed to you. My bed is wet from my tears. Tears are dripping from my bed. I am weak from crying to you.” Psalm 6:6
PRAYER: Dear Father, sometimes it is hard for me to pray. Help me to tell you how I feel. In Jesus’ name.

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