聖經閱讀:詩篇1:1-6 現代中譯本|合和本
今天的經文告訴我們,選擇正確的朋友是很重要的,為什麼呢?因為朋友會影響我們做好事,或是去做壞事。 第1節說:「不聽從惡人的計謀,不跟隨罪人的腳步,不與侮慢上帝之徒同夥,這樣的人才算真正有福。」如果我們選擇跟違背上帝的人做朋友,我們可能就會被誘惑去做他們做的事。如果我們跟計謀要做壞事的人做朋友,我們可能也會被指控做了壞事。或者,如果我們聽憑朋友嘲弄上帝,我們也可能會跟他們做一樣的事。 上帝對於願意順服祂話語並且跟從祂的人有更好的計畫,但是,如果我們想要知道上帝的計畫,我們就需要讀聖經,並且思想所讀到的話語,然後讓上帝幫助我們做出對的選擇。 我們每天都需要在對和錯的事上做選擇,遵守上帝的話,你就會更快樂、更成功!—MP 「他只愛慕上主的法律,日夜默誦不倦。」 詩篇1:2
(SSL譯/台南聖教會英語團契) |
Be Wise
Bible Reading: Psalm 1:1-6
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Our Bible verses today show us that it is very important that we choose the right friends. Why? Because our friends can influence us to do good or to do bad. Verse 1 says, “A person will be truly happy if he doesn’t follow the advice of bad people and doesn’t live like sinners and doesn’t feel at home with people who don’t respect God.” If we choose friends who disobey God, we might be tempted to do what they do. If we are with friends who are planning to do something wrong, we might be accused of doing wrong, too. Or, if we listen to our friends make fun of God, we might follow their example. God has a better plan for people who are willing to obey His Word and want to follow Him. But if we want to know God’s plan, we need to study the Bible. Then we need to think about what we read in the Bible and let God help us make the right choices. We all must make choices to do right or wrong every day. Follow God’s Word, and you will be happier and more successful. —MP “A good person loves the Lord’s teachings. He thinks about them day and night.” Psalm 1:2
PRAYER: God, I know that You love me and have a plan for my life. In Jesus’ name. Amen. |
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