
on 2012年12月1日 星期六
聖經閱讀:詩篇78:1-72 現代中譯本|合和本

與人分享上帝的作為  詩篇第78篇是以色列歷史的回顧,它述說上帝的子民是如何的不順服,並且不相信祂。
「…他們也會信靠上帝,不忘記他的作為,永遠遵守他的誡命。」 詩篇78:7

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Bible Reading: Psalm 78:1-72
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Share with Others  Psalm 78 is a review of Israel’s history. It tells about how God’s people disobeyed God and failed to trust Him.
 Verse 38 tells us something very important about Israel’s story. “But God was merciful. He forgave them for their sins. And he did not destroy them.” Sometimes God punished the Israelites for their sins. But through all these situations, God continued to love His people and take care of them.
 Verse 4 is also an interesting verse. It says, “And we will not forget the story. Our people will be telling the story to the last generation. We will all praise the Lord, and tell about the amazing things he did.” The Israelites continued to share this story of how God provided for them. Why? First, so they could praise God. Second, so future generations would know about God and His mercy.
 Maybe you can make a list of all the things God has done for you. Praise Him and share this list with others. —BH
“...all those people will trust God. They will not forget what God did. They will carefully obey his commands.” Psalm 78:7
PRAYER: Dear God, I want to tell others about how You take care of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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