
on 2016年10月28日 星期五

就好像耶穌向那些飢餓的人施憐憫一樣,今天我們可以看見上帝透過基督徒作工,今天就懇求上帝指示你向人分享祂的憐憫的方法。 —SH*

「當他看見一群群的人,動了惻隱之心;因為他們孤苦無助,像沒有牧人的羊群一般。」 馬太福音9:36

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Bible Reading: Mark 8:1-10
Friday, October 28, 2016

 Today our Bible verses tell us about a time when Jesus miraculously fed 4000 people. Jesus did that because He had compassion for them.
But Jesus did not only feel sorry for the people. His compassion led Him to find a way to feed the large group of people. First, Jesus had his disciples help Him. They gathered the food they had and then gave the food to the people. Jesus’ action was giving thanks for the food and then multiplying it.
We can see Christians around us today showing compassion to people in need. A young mother is a friend to an elderly widow who lives next door. A teen works at a shelter and helps feed homeless people. A preacher counsels others who are facing crises in their lives.
Just as Jesus showed compassion to the hungry people, we can see God working through Christians today. Ask God to show you ways to share His compassion with people today. —SH*

“Jesus saw the many people and felt sorry for them because they were worried and helpless — like sheep without a shepherd to lead them.” Matthew 9:36
PRAYER: Dear Father, help me show compassion to others. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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