耶穌的生平 (8)

on 2016年10月20日 星期四
耶穌的生平 (8)

當你信耶穌時,別人可能會羞辱你,你會怎麼做呢?你會生氣嗎?會回話反擊?還是會尋求報復?要學像耶穌,信靠上帝!要感謝上帝赦免你的罪,又為你預備了一個計劃。你也要為別人禱告,讓他們願意相信耶穌並跟從祂。 —CPE*

「耶穌說:『父親哪,赦免他們,因為他們不曉得自己在做甚麼。』」 路加福音23:34a

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Jesus' Life (8)
Bible Reading: Matthew 27:32-44
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Roman soldiers took Jesus to a place called Golgotha. There they nailed Jesus to a cross.
When Jesus was on the cross, many people walked by and shouted insults at Him. Priests, teachers of the law and Jewish leaders made fun of Jesus. Some of these people said (verse 40b), “So save yourself! Come down from that cross if you really are the Son of God!” And the criminals on the other crosses insulted Jesus, too.
Even though people insulted Jesus, He did not become angry. Jesus didn't talk back to the people. He didn't seek revenge. Why? Because Jesus knew He had to die so our sins could be forgiven. Jesus knew God's great plan for saving us!
When you follow Jesus, other people may insult you. What will you do? Will you become angry, talk back or seek revenge? Be like Jesus. Trust God. Be thankful that He has forgiven your sins and has a plan for you. Pray for other people, too, that they will believe in Jesus and follow Him. —CPE*

“Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.’” Luke 23:34a
PRAYER: Dear God, help me to stand strong for You even when other people insult me. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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